It’s that time again !

The last Sunday of the month is quickly approaching us and you know what that means, it’s time for the Free State Food Drive.

Last month we managed to collect just slightly over 100 cans & assorted food for the community kitchen in Keene.
Let’s see if we can break the 150 can barrier.

Join us this Sunday, at Vendetta 43 Central Square in Keene to help feed the hungry.

Chris M.

Free State Food Drive

When asked to describe a good anarchist, Karl Hess said, “Good neighbor, good lover, good friend.”  If Free Staters could regularly display those qualities to the inhabitants of our chosen home, it would go a long way to dispel the image of wild-eyed bomb-throwing conspirators that some probably have.

With that in mind, I’d like to suggest making the first Monday of each month a special Good Neighbor Day.  In addition to the FIJA pamphleteering at the courthouse, there are a variety of possible activities, from (more…)

First Monthly Fully Informed Jury Outreach

Yesterday marked the beginning of what I hope becomes a monthly reoccurring event: Keene FIJA Outreach.

In the morning, four area activist and myself, gathered in front of the Cheshire County Court house in Keene to hand out Fully Informed Jury fliers to people entering the court house. The reception seemed (more…)