Keene Sentinel Talks Bitcoin

Bitcoin Derrick JI was recently photographed and briefly interviewed for an article about Bitcoin-accepting businesses in Keene. Super-activst James Cleaveland also made the paper. It’s great that Bitcoin is taking off in this community. There are about as many bitcoin-accepting businesses here than in my home city of Philadelphia. I like bitcoin because it’s so easy to send any amount of money long distances without going through a third party. I maintain control, unlike with banks or money transfer services. And I don’t have to give up any privacy to do it! Learn more about bitcoin.

Read the online version.

Read the PDF version.

Trial of James Cleaveland: Another Perspective

During the recent Trial of James Cleaveland, I recorded close-up video. Here it is, for anyone who is interested in another perspective:

I tried to include lots of close-ups of James, the witnesses who testified, the state attorney Jean Kilham, and of course Judge Burke.

SHOCK! Judge Burke Upholds KPD Decision: “Unsuitable” to Concealed Carry

burkeLocal government bureaucrats in Keene are infringing on my right to bear arms.

In July I applied for a concealed carry license. One man, Ken Meola, denied it. I appealed, and this week the news came back: Judge Burke denied my appeal.

Judge Burke’s decision means that while it is perfectly legal for me to carry a firearm openly, it is a crime for me to conceal that firearm, for example by putting on a winter jacket.

The next step is to move on to the State Supreme Court. I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to do that, but I’ll give another update when I speak with my attorney.

I’m disappointed about this decision, but I’m not surprised. The State is a many-tentacled beast, and the different facets of it protect each other. First the legislators did their part by camouflaging a restriction as a right: they call NH “shall issue” but ultimately leave the power of permission to one man working for the police. Then the police did their part to deny my rights, essentially arguing that they are restricting my freedoms because I don’t respect them. Finally, appeals are made to lawyers who also work for the State.

For those who missed it, here is a link to video of the full hearing.

Read Burke’s decision here. (PDF)

Read the Google Doc Version

Darryl W Perry Released from Jail


Darryl, Outside the Keene Spiritual Retreat

Darryl W Perry walked into the Cheshire County House of Corrections this Friday. He walked out today, Monday. However, according to Mr Perry, he was not corrected.

Darryl was sentenced $163 in fines for the offenses of “Residency” and “Operating a Vehicle That is Not Registered”. What that means in plain English is that Darryl has a valid driver’s license in Arizona, but the State of New Hampshire alleges that Darryl is a resident of New Hampshire and must change his license over to New Hampshire.

New Hampshire law specifies that an inhabitant is not necessarily a resident, and Darryl asserts that he is not a resident. Therefore, he is not required to apply for a new license. Even if he wanted to, Darryl points out that he lacks the documents the State needs to prove residency. Even if he were able to acquire the forms and signatures necessary, he still wouldn’t be granted a new license because he has a warrant out of South Carolina (also for victimless crimes).

Darryl kept his spirits high throughout the experience. He had a celebratory lunch before going in and plans to have a celebratory supper now that he is out. Darryl produces a daily podcast and content at
