by Highline | Feb 18, 2024 |
The long-held monopoly on the practice of law by licensed attorneys has indeed served to protect individuals requiring legal services from malpractice, but it has also served to protect the State from true challenges to its authority and practices. Sometimes the system and its players are what should be lawfully challenged in court… but those beholden through tens of thousands of dollars in education investments to the good graces of judges may find themselves in a position where they cannot properly defend their clients. This is why in New Hampshire I believe RSA 311:7, the prohibitor on allowing lay individuals to represent individuals, should be eliminated and the NH Bar Association’s monopoly on the practice of law dismantled.
As many of you may already know, I am not a lawyer. I am a former law enforcement officer who has spent many hours studying law and listening to judicial oral arguments in efforts to better understand the American legal system and its function. In 2011/2012 I was authorized to represent a journalist named Jason Talley in front of the Cheshire County Superior Court for charges stemming from his mere possession (not use) of a camera in a common area of a court. Jason and I “won” the case together by attacking the system and individual judges for misconduct. A licensed lawyer who regularly practices law in front of these judges most likely would be apprehensive to do the same out of fear of retribution from the very people who can control their law licenses or liberty interests of future clients.
As it stands now, a person of “good moral character” can practice law in New Hampshire so long as they don’t do it “commonly.” What does “commonly” mean? It seems to mean whatever the judge of the day thinks it means.
I believe this prohibition needs to be struck down… and I believe this prohibition is in direct conflict with the New Hampshire Constitution, specifically Part I, Article 10. That’s right… it is my position that the NH Bar Association and NH Attorney General cannot monopolize and prohibit individuals from practicing law if they are intent on “reforming” the government through the codified Right of Revolution.
by Highline | Feb 10, 2024 |
As politicians and law enforcement leaders spin their wheels trying to get ahold of the fentanyl crisis, those of us in the drug policy reform movement have long had the answer to solving the overdose issue: legalize, regulate, and educate. Treat drug abuse as it should be: a medical condition, not a criminal justice one.
To say that the Drug War has been an abject failure is to simply be a broken record repeating the message that we’ve been saying all along. President Joe Biden’s administration funded $42.5 billion dollars for drug control for fiscal year 2023. This was a complete waste of your money, just like all the years before it. Were the enforcement of drug laws making a difference the following overdose statistics would simply not exist.

The police keep doing the same thing they’ve always done… and the deaths just keep on rising.
by Highline | Nov 13, 2023 |
I’ve been writing founder Ian Freeman back and forth at the Merrimack County Spiritual Retreat for the last few weeks. I recently sent him a letter with pictures of the Fraternal Order of Police logo and a picture of Lucifer’s circle. I pointed out to Ian that they are so similar one cannot help but wonder if the state is itself satanic.

The FOP is definitely masonic… and the masons themselves cannot deny they have a rank called “The Knight of the Brazen Serpent.” Sounds satanic to me.
Here is Ian’s letter back to me. He gave me permission to transcribe it for you all to read.
by Highline | Oct 27, 2023 |
Twelve years ago I blogged on this website a criminal court case in Cheshire County, NH involving a military veteran turned independent journalist named Jason Talley. Mr. Talley had become ensnared in contempt of court and disorderly conduct charges after he dared commit the dastardly crime of mere possession of a recording device in a New Hampshire court facility.
Ultimately, after months of litigation, the case was won in Mr. Tally’s favor due to a technical “error” committed by the prosecution. In my humble opinion this “error” was intentionally committed to protect the New Hampshire Judiciary from having to publicly defend their egregious conduct.
What “egregious conduct” you ask? The court order that Mr. Talley was accused of violating was put in place after another activist, Ademo Freeman, was arrested for “threatening” the Keene District Court Presiding Judge Edward Burke. This interaction was caught on video and contained absolutely no threat. What followed were administrative court orders restricting the Federal and State Constitution so that cameras could not be possessed in court facilities.
You see the misconduct here? Judge Burke breaks the law that forbids making false claims to law enforcement officers and then supervisory judges in the New Hampshire Judiciary restrict people’s freedoms as a result.
A crime or misconduct committed by a state employee cannot give justification to the government to restrict the freedom of those who are not in government. Not unless there are two classes of men. This is what they did.
by Highline | May 12, 2013 |
I’ve recently been spending time reviewing the “prosecution” of Mumia Abu-Jamal.
While reviewing the facts of the case I noticed something interesting: the primary sponsor and six of the eight members of the United States Senate who co-sponsored the Anti-Terrorism and “Effective” Death Penalty Act of 1996 bill have what appear to be ties to the Klu Klux Klan:
Sen Dole, Robert J. [KS] (Primary sponsor)
Sen Gramm, Phil [TX]
Sen Hatch, Orrin G. [UT]
Sen Kyl, Jon [AZ]
Sen Nickles, Don [OK]
Sen Simpson, Alan K. [WY]
Sen Thurmond, Strom [SC]
Examine for a moment a portion of the timeline of Mr. Abu-Jamal’s “prosecution”: