Free Keene TV has been a project of mine for more than a year now. I have enjoyed the challenge of creating and maintaining a weekly live TV show. I am happy with the progress of the show and I have enjoyed working with a wide range of cast and crew members. Though, I must admit it is still not the program I had envisioned.
The program I have now is a studio show where I and others find or make video to talk about. The show starts of with some news researched from the internet, expands on some blog posts at Free Keene or plays a compelling video from the internet with a liberty theme. Occasionally there will be an interview or correspondent. End the show with some opinion to fill the remaining time as well as further analyze the shows content. (more…)
1. Derrick J Freeman brutally arrested by Keene Police Officer Fintan Moore
2. Ladies in Keene Blog post
3. Adrian Schoolcraft and the NYPD tapes
4. Glik decision and how it pertains to video recording public officials
1. 130 arrested in Vermont Yankee protest
2. Manchester Police Officer recovering after being shot while responding to a call
3. Gay Marriage repeal fails
4. Derrick J Freeman presents a new video series
5. The Price of Gas and how the fiat dollar comes into play
6. The Young Turks examine the warmongering going on about Iran
7. An Editorial video featuring Ron Paul
1. Melee at Railroad Tavern
2. School Board Election Results
3. Derrick J Freeman presents a video about Eric Geller
4. Jason Talley and Bradley Jardis are in-studio for an interview
1. School Board Elections
2. Homeless on the rise in Cheshire County
3. Ademo Freeman has a video conclusion for his latest arrest by Judge Burke
4. An Adam Kokesh video featuring the Veterans march on D.C.
5. Derrick J Freeman presents a video in regards to outreach at the High School