FKTV and the Future

Free Keene TV has been a project of mine for more than a year now. I have enjoyed the challenge of creating and maintaining a weekly live TV show. I am happy with the progress of the show and I have enjoyed working with a wide range of cast and crew members. Though, I must admit it is still not the program I had envisioned.

The program I have now is a studio show where I and others find or make video to talk about. The show starts of with some news researched from the internet, expands on some blog posts at Free Keene or plays a compelling video from the internet with a liberty theme. Occasionally there will be an interview or correspondent. End the show with some opinion to fill the remaining time as well as further analyze the shows content.

This is a critical examination of the current show structure. This is not a criticism. If you wanted to make your own TV show – there is the recipe I’ve gotten to work with almost the least effort.

The program I have now is also full of talented and generous volunteers. Without these individuals the show would not go on. I just want to thank all the people who have helped out with Free Keene TV over the last year.

Heika, Michele, Lance, Puke, Jesse, Mark C, Nemi, Justin X, Rapsher, Mark E, Derrick, Ali, Kate, Clarky, Jonny, Pete, Ademo, Ian, Ryan, Rob, Jeff, Brad, Bob, David, Beau, Faisal, Z, Omar, Charlie, and more that I just can’t remember. Sorry if I missed you!

FKTV can be more than it is with your help.

My goal for the future of the show is to have more reporting and more media creation by myself and others. Move coverage of community events and happenings, more investigative journalism. I want to have more writers, more reporters and more collaboration.

Currently FKTV has no sponsorship or funding. I am going to try to put this chip-in up to see what sort of support is available.

What will the money be used for?

  • As a thank you to the volunteer cast and crew, a weekly pizza party or dinner before or after the show. This will give us a chance to talk about the show and plan ahead. Cost estimate: $50 a week.
  • Equipment needed: Currently most equipment is available for free to borrow from CTV or others but I would like to build up all the equipment needed to run a live TV to allow FKTV to at some point run its’ own studio.
  • Incentivize Activity: I would like to offer incentives for people to create content for the show. I would also like to incentivize field reporting as a means of increasing it.
  • Upgrades to the studio: We would like to get a banner behind the cast. I don’t yet know what it would be as far as an image or picture.
  • Expenses: Show expenses are currently limited to the DVD needed to capture the show at the studio. Other expenses would include things like gas and other field reporting costs.


You can donate to a productive, consistent liberty project here:

Or you can check out my WePay page!

Thank you for your support.

James Schlessinger Jr

Creator/Producer FKTV

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