FKTV – Episode 33 – March 5th, 2012

One of our best episodes yet.

On this weeks episode:

1. Bearcat Conclusion
2. Ali Haven’s Editorial on the Bearcat situation
3. Keene residents Pete Eyre and Ademo Freeman on John Stossel’s Illegal Everything show
4. Derrick J Freeman presents a video and commentary about his recent interactions at a Keene area school
5.  Adam Kokesh’s The Message of Freedom in One Minute

Live Blog from the Keene City Council Meeting

The full Keene City Council is meeting tonight to vote on whether to reconsider the previous vote to accept the federal grant for a LENCO Bearcat.

6:55 The room is filling up with people, signs and news crews. WMUR channel 9 out of Manchester is here as well as several radio and newspaper outlets.

6:56 Singing has broken out. Thanks but no tanks is sung by some. It seems reasonably well received.

7:00 The meeting begins with standing room only in the gallery. (more…)

FKTV – Episode 32 – February 27th, 2012

On this weeks episode:

1. Bearcat update
2. 3 arrested at Cheshire Superior Court
3. Dave Ridley interviews Bradley Jardis in regards to Jason Talley’s upcoming trial
4. Local Attorney Charlie Donahue is interviewed in studio

Free Keene TV – Episode 30 – February 6th, 2012

On this weeks episode:

1. A history of the Kingsbury Corporation
2. The BEARCAT has a public hearing at the Finance, operation and personnel committee this Thursday at 5:30p
3. Russia Today has a different perspective on American politics
4. Opponents of Marijuana decriminalization

Free Keene TV is looking for more sponsors to aid in continuing the show and furthering the improvements. If you are interested or would like to know more please send an email to tv @ freekeene . com.