Ed Burke Deems Ransom Levied By Lesley Collier Sound Despite Inability to Identify Victim

this post was first published to KeeneCopBlock.org on August 07, 2013

Edward Burke says that I owe the “City of Keene” 15FNRs or else.

This, despite the fact that no victim could be pointed to by Keene police employee Lesley Collier, who back in March left a ransom note on my Tahoe.

Nor could Collier point to any property damage that I had caused or even a single complainant.

To be clear, the ransom Burke says I owe is demanded simply because I disobeyed a decree that I never signed, which was written by some strangers I never met.

Thanks to Ian Freeman of FreeKeene.com, ShireSociety.com, FreeTalkLive.com, LRN.FM and KeeneCopBlock.org for filming this August 06, 2013 venture in legaland.
Legaland is necessarily arbitrary as it says that a certain group of people have the right and knowledge to create and then interpret legislation conflated to be law.
I don’t need to be verse in legaland jargon or go to school for three years to know that no victim means no crime. That’s enough for me.

Will David Lauren Acknowledge There Was No Victim and Thus No Right to Demand Payment?

UPDATE: JULY 31 1:09am

Just before 4pm today I dropped-off this note addressed to David Lauren at the Cheshire County Attorney office.

I had previously called and left a voicemail with Lauren and inquired how best to point out to him some content I think relevant to the threat he and his colleagues have levied at me for the victimless act of parking my truck on a clear street.

The post I indicated in the note is this post: http://KeeneCopBlock.org/386


ATTN: David Lauren

Re: “State of N.H. vs. Peter Eyre, No. 499-2013-CR-00803” and the statement communicated to me on July 25, 2013 by Jean Hawkins Kilham, seeking “reciprocal discovery for any evidence” related to the ransom note left on my vehicle on March 23, 2013 by Lesley Collier, please see the post:



> the embedded b&w video entitled “2013 03 23 Lesley Collier leaves ransom note on vehicle”

[the direct link to that video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWvlUv8u8Ok]


> the three screenshots from wunderground.com that show the weather in Keene, NH on the dates March 21-23, 2013

Thanks for your time.

It’s my hope that justice will be arrived at through reason and logic.

Your neighbor,

-Pete Eyre


Yes Thomas Mullins, Reputation is Important

Solidarity-sunset3-copblockYesterday – July 18th – was Chalk the Police State in solidarity with the “Sunset 3” who, in June, were arrested by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department employees for using children’s chalk to write pro-police accountability statements on the public sidewalk.

As Kelly Patterson wrote:

on June 8th, I along with two other members of the Sunset Activist Collective were cited during a Nevada Cop Block monthly protest for “graffiti” while listing the crimes and paying tribute to the many victims of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. After nine months of “Second Saturdays” and other events calling for the accountability that is sorely missing within Las Vegas area police departments, we were told by a “graffiti expert” that drawing with chalk on a sidewalk is now illegal, in spite of us having been explicitly told by some of his own co-workers that sidewalk chalk is in fact legal previously.

Among other things – Patterson and his colleagues hope to draw attention to the fact that no LVMPD employee involved in a shooting has ever been found to be in the wrong. Zero. That, of course, is the accountability had when its said to be provided via internal investigations.

So, as Darryl Perry posted at FreeKeene.com,

Several Keene activists went to Central Square, and then to the sidewalk in front of the KPD “Satellite Office” across the street from the Square. Those who attended chalked pro-liberty messages, and had some pleasant conversations with people walking through the area.


Keene Property Owner Remains Undeterred Despite Ongoing Harassment from “Authorities”

Keene Cop Block invited Ian Freeman, a six -year inhabitant of Keene, NH, to share a bit about the ongoing harassment he’s faced from so-claimed “authorities” for his efforts to simply live free from their supposed “legitimate” coercion.

In this video Freeman, host of the nationally syndicated Free Talk Live and blogger at FreeKeene.com and ShireSociety.com, among much else, touches on the latest iteration of threat levied at him before speaking candidly about his motivations and the real impact had as the peaceful community emerges.

Instead of cowering, Freeman, knowing full-well that he’s not harmed anyone, has opted for transparency. His actions have undoubtedly embolden others – both in and outside of the ‘shire – to see the gun in the room, and speak out as well.
