“Not PorcFest” Event Hindered

Due to dishonest accusations from an anonymous source, Mountain Lake Campground has turned away the organizers of Not PorcFest.  Despite Ian Freeman not being involved in organizing the event at all, the false allegations against him were cited specifically as a reason for this decision.

I am now even more determined for Not PorcFest to be a success.  Send me a private message if you’ve got new venue suggestions.


Manchester Police Checkpoints Return

The Manchester Police Department has announced its first sobriety checkpoint of the 2016 year (4/22), continuing its tradition of revenue collection via suspicionless vehicle stops.  These ordeals have prevented nearly zero drunk drivers.  Instead, the MPD continues to harass Manchester drivers for copblock seasonvictimless crimes, such as cannabis possession, illegal immigration or driving with a suspended license.

Numerous activists have vowed to divert traffic from the upcoming checkpoints.  This activism traditionally has a fantastic turnout, and it garners widespread support in New Hampshire’s largest city.  Cheers and expressions of gratitude are heard from passing vehicles throughout the evening.  Folks walking near the activists often stop to discuss the uselessness of the checkpoints, and activists have even been handed cash tips on several occasions.

I’ll be present at this first checkpoint, livestreaming, so you can watch the event as it happens.  Bookmark this link, and it will be easy for you to tune in.  Oh, and don’t forget to grab your copblocking gear.

Shire Dude Launches Daily Vlog

Hello, friends!  My new vlog mentions the New Movers Party that occurs monthly in Manchester.  I also talk about the petition to get Darryl W. Perry into the next Libertarian Party debate.


Subscribe to the Shire Dude YouTube channel for daily updates from Manchester.

Hateful Eight Buycott by NH Activists

My invitation to buycott Quentin Tarantino’s new movie has been circulating around the online activist community.  It reads:

“The movie’s director, Quentin Tarantino, is receiving boycott threats for speaking out at a rally.
Tarantino’s speech against police brutality included:
‘I’m a human being with a conscience. And when I see murder I cannot stand by. And I have to call the murdered the murdered and I have to call the murderers the murderers.’

Arguing that cops simply cannot commit murder (even when they murder people) is LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, who replied, ‘Unfortunately, [Mr. Tarantino] mistakes lawful use of force for murder, and it’s not.’

KilledByPolice.net is proof of how dangerous cops have become today. I encourage you to gather some friends to see The Hateful Eight once it’s in theaters, in order to protest the senseless murders committed by cops.”


Manchester and Concord activists buycott the Hateful Eight

Despite the backlash against him, Tarantino continues to stand by his speech.  Activists from Manchester and Concord have already viewed Tarantino’s film, and more local viewings are being planned around the country.


Statehouse Rumor Stalls Expanded Narcan Access

The Opioid Task Force in charge of expediting Representative Amanda Bouldin’s new bill seems to have failed at educating New Hampshire statehouse bureaucrats about the lifesaving substance, Narcan.  Because of their ignorance, more lives will be lost to overdose while the paper pushers continue their medicine prohibition.

Bouldin’s first Narcan bill was a success, but the new bill will hasten the end of the Drug War.