by Shire Dude | Nov 17, 2016 |
Yesterday, I needed a ride. Looking to test Cell 411’s new “ride hailing” feature, I requested a ride across town, expecting to sit on my hands for the next two hours.
(Free Keene has already reported about the Cell 411 app, as well as the app’s new ride hailing feature. If you are unfamiliar with Cell 411, check out this video.)
I set the request radius to 15 miles. According to the app, there were 100 drivers within 15 miles.
Within a couple minutes, I received a driver’s offer. It’s a reasonable price, but I don’t immediately accept it.
A minute after that, my neighbor (who lives in my building, across the hallway) undercut that price by $1.
A couple minutes after that, my friend sent a Facebook message: His girlfriend saw my request. She’s not available to drive, but he is. Even though he hadn’t set up the app, he became part of Cell 411’s ride hailing experiment. I got the ride, paid my friend and I even tipped him with a double almond milk latte.
Have you tried hailing a ride with Cell 411 in your area? You may be surprised with the results.
by Shire Dude | Nov 16, 2016 |
At 2:20 in the morning on November 5th, 2016 Jarrod Ean-Dixon was shot four times

The Free State Project flag replaced the traditional Gadsden snake with a porcupine, a more peaceful creature – unless it’s provoked
in his abdomen, at close range.
The shooting occurred in Manchester NH as the result of an argument that started over a flag. Offended by the porcupine used on the Free State Project‘s flag, the gunman became aggressive both verbally and physically until ultimately he drew a gun and pulled the trigger four times.
[from the newly-launched]
Being an active member of the liberty community, Jarrod has earned the love and respect of many activists in and around Manchester, New Hampshire. His close friends have started collecting funds for his rising medical bills and day-to-day costs. Jarrod will be unable to work while he heals, and he is the father of three children.
In just 5 hours, the community has raised nearly $2,000, which includes over $300 in bitcoin donations. Activists are also purchasing clothing and other items with the porcupine flag’s image on them, in order to raise funds and to show solidarity with Jarrod. We still have a long way to go in making Jarrod whole.
More information and updates are available at Please consider donating.

Jarrod Ean-Dixon, with the youngest of his 3 children
by Shire Dude | Jul 15, 2016 |
The livestream will be from 10pm to about 1am EST.
Activists gather at a police checkpoint in Manchester, New Hampshire. Two similar checkpoints this year resulted in 306 total stops and only 2 arrests. Both arrests were for (unspecified) drug possession.
Instead of Bambuser, Shire Dude is testing Facebook live video this evening. The stream will be available here.
This is a live event. If the linked video is not live, you can access Shire Dude’s archived footage on Bambuser, Facebook and
Funding for this broadcast is provided by viewers like you.
by Shire Dude | Jun 7, 2016 |
The livestream will be from 6:00 to 8:00pm EST.
Activists gather at City Hall in Manchester, New Hampshire. Many are calling into question the validity of the recent, numerous lockdowns ordered by the Manchester Police Department.
This is a live event. If the video below is not live, you can access archived footage on Shire Dude’s Bambuser account.
Funding for this broadcast is provided by viewers like you.
by Shire Dude | Apr 20, 2016 |
The livestream will begin at 4:00pm EST.
Activists gather annually at the statehouse in Concord, New Hampshire. They smoke cannabis to protest plant prohibition.
This is a live event. If the video below is not live, you can access archived footage on Shire Dude’s Bambuser account.
Funding for this broadcast provided by viewers like you.