My invitation to buycott Quentin Tarantino’s new movie has been circulating around the online activist community. Â It reads:
“The movie’s director, Quentin Tarantino, is receiving boycott threats for speaking out at a rally.
Tarantino’s speech against police brutality included:
‘I’m a human being with a conscience. And when I see murder I cannot stand by. And I have to call the murdered the murdered and I have to call the murderers the murderers.’Arguing that cops simply cannot commit murder (even when they murder people) is LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, who replied, ‘Unfortunately, [Mr. Tarantino] mistakes lawful use of force for murder, and it’s not.’ is proof of how dangerous cops have become today. I encourage you to gather some friends to see The Hateful Eight once it’s in theaters, in order to protest the senseless murders committed by cops.”

Manchester and Concord activists buycott the Hateful Eight
Despite the backlash against him, Tarantino continues to stand by his speech.  Activists from Manchester and Concord have already viewed Tarantino’s film, and more local viewings are being planned around the country.