Robin Hood of Keene, in solidarity with the city, will attempt to expand the holiday week of free downtown parking in Keene, New Hampshire by an additional day. In an effort to not annoy holiday shoppers, City of Keene will not demand change from drivers parked at metered parking spaces from December 18th though December 25th. Robin Hood’s Merry People will be saving driver’s from parking tickets from 9:00AM to 5:00PM on Tuesday, December 17th.
This is the first time that Robin Hood of Keene and City of Keene have partnered together to help drivers and downtown Keene based store owners. If this test run works well, Robin Hood of Keene and City of Keene may partner together in future endeavors.
Last night Amanda BillyRock was arrested by an agent of the Laconia Blue Light Gang. While the details are still coming in, some things we do know: She was pulled over, her car was impounded, she was put in a concrete cell overnight, and after a flood of phone calls, was released from her cell in the Belknap County Lockup today at approximately 1pm EST.
During my own phone call to the jail, the government agent on the other end told me that it was unlikely that Amanda would be released this weekend, but she was released just hours later! Was it a fluke? Or did the call-flood make the difference? Here’s the video I produced to encourage others to call:
The NH Liberty Party announces the creation of the Keene Liberty Alliance! The Keene Liberty Alliance is intended to facilitate political action in Keene among liberty-oriented individuals. Such action includes fielding candidates, speaking at city meetings, petitioning, and other inside-the-system activism.
Robin Hood and the Merry Men and Women are victorious over the lying, corrupt “City of Keene” in BOTH Robin Hood cases! The first civil case was filed by “the City” back in May seeking a preliminary injunction against the six named respondents, in hopes banning them from being near, speaking to, or recording video of the parking enforcers. It was heard over three full days of court “evidentiary hearings” later in the summer and afterwards, heroic free speech attorney Jon Meyer filed a motion to dismiss the case.
Attorney Meyer’s motion has now been granted in a 17-page notice of decision from Cheshire “superior” court judge John C Kissinger Jr., which also dismisses the second civil case against us that was filed by “the City” in September, seeking monetary “damages”. The second suit proved what we all knew and the city people had originally denied with their first lawsuit – that ultimately this was about their lost parking revenue.
Ultimately, the Robin Hooders have been completely vindicated. The city people were lying (as is typical of governments) when they claimed Robin Hooders were harassing, intimidating, and threatening their parking enforcement agents. Again, the proof that they were lying is that no Robin Hooder has ever been arrested for “harassment”. Even if Robin Hooders were saying nasty things (no evidence of that was presented in court, and I’ve never seen it happen), the job description of the parking enforcers makes it clear they must put up with “mental and verbal abuse” from members of the public. The city people tried to illegally oppress our right to free speech and to hold government agents accountable for their actions, and the court made the right decision and dismissed their frivolous, aggressive, unconstitutional cases against us.
In the notice of decision, judge Kissinger notes that the free speech rights of the Robin Hooders outweigh all of the claims of “the City”: (more…)
For years we have had the Keene Liberty Activist Calendar linked here in the top menu bar, and that continues to be a great source to discover some of the goings-on here in the Keene area. Now, I’m excited to announce that there is a larger calendar covering all of NH available now at – it’s called the “NH Liberty Central Calendar“. Be sure to check it out to see what is happening statewide – keep in mind, that like the Free Keene calendar, the calendars only show a portion of everything that is actually happening. To learn more of what’s going on, you’ll need to move here and get plugged into the community.
Some fun facts about the movie online:
#1 on Youtube for searches “victimless crime” and even just “victimless”!
#5 on Google for “victimless crime”, #6 for “victimless”!