by Ian | Oct 25, 2013 |
Control freaks in NH beware: the Free Staters are coming. Well, some of us (over 1,400) are already here, but we’re the “early movers”. The best part is yet to come! The goal of the Free State Project is to get 20,000 people to pledge to move to New Hampshire and get active to help achieve liberty in our lifetime.
Today, that goal is closer than ever with the FSP eclipsing 15,000 signers! We’re now over 75% of the way there! Once 20,000 is reached, the official move period will begin where the thousands of signers have five years to pick up their lives and move to the Shire!
If you love liberty and have been quietly watching to see what happens here, you already know the FSP is having an impact with people like state representative Cynthia Chase saying that “Free Staters are the single biggest threat the state is facing today” – and she said that back in 2012! Just wait until thousands more liberty activists arrive! If you love liberty and are willing to DO SOMETHING about it, you can be a part of the most exciting and successful liberty movement out there. Please join the Free State Project today and start planning your move to New Hampshire.
If, on the other hand, you love the idea of controlling your neighbor, you may want to start planning your move out of New Hampshire now. Things are going to get awfully uncomfortable for those who wish to control others here in NH very soon!
by Ian | Oct 24, 2013 |
The first-ever Keenevention kicks off next Friday November 1st at 9am! Thus far, nearly 90 liberty-loving people are registered to attend the event! That includes dozens of speakers, panelists, and others buying tickets and visiting from all over the country. Keenevention promises to be an experimental, intimate convention. It’s the convention by activists, for activists and those who would like to be activists. Keenevention is unusual because all of our speakers are based in the Shire. These are the people who are here creating the most exciting and attractive liberty movement in the world. They may not all be “names” in the liberty movement, but they should be. These are doers.
Keenevention’s dozen panels cover the full activism spectrum! From legislators to civil disobedients to media producers to tech-geeks, Keenevention will address it all. Our keynote speakers include the President of the Free State Project, Carla Gericke speaking on the “State of the FSP”, JJ Schlessinger of “Free State Now“, and former Cheshire county jail guard Bryan Tann.
Of course, since it’s Keene, you might want to actually do some activism while you’re in town, so you’ll be able to hit the streets with Robin Hood, Keene Cop Block, visit and protest at the jail where Rich Paul is being held captive, as well as attend favorite Keene social events! Get a full list of activities outside-the-hotel here.
Online ticket registrations are open (and still just $50) through Thursday at noon Eastern. After that, you will have to buy your tickets at the door of the event and the price then will be $60. Alternately you can buy a one day pass in advance or at-the-door for $25. Don’t wait – lock in your tickets now!
by Ian | Oct 11, 2013 |
One of the most divisive issues among liberty-minded activists is our means. Is peace attainable through violence or is peace the only way? Does self-defense against aggressive state agents just make matters worse for future activists? These questions and more, including yours, will be on the table Sunday morning at Keenevention 2013. The “Peace Roundtable” features Derrick J Freeman, Ian Freeman, and Chris Cantwell. You won’t want to sleep in and miss it!
The Keenevention site and Facebook page have been announcing many panels and speakers. Only a fraction of which I have posted here. Please visit for all the details on what’s happening!
See the full event schedule here. You can get your tickets now to Keenevention for $50 for the whole weekend!
by Ian | Sep 25, 2013 |
If you thought the first case against Robin Hooders was ridiculous, have I got news for you:
The people calling themselves the “City of Keene” have now filed another lawsuit against the same Robin Hooders (and Pete Eyre, who has never Robin Hooded) in Cheshire “superior” court. This time, they allege the same things as before, that we have cause them damage by “harassing” and “intimidating” their parking enforcers as part of a conspiracy to meddle with their employment contracts. Now, they are seeking monetary damages plus their attorneys’ fees (which are not going to be small, given the huge number of hours they have likely already billed on just the first case alone) and are demanding a jury trial! So if it weren’t bad enough that they are wasting the court’s time with one trial, now they are going to waste even more of the court’s time AND the time of a dozen innocent jurors who could be out living their productive lives.
Hey wait… I thought the city people had originally claimed this wasn’t about the revenues they had lost from the Robin Hooding! In fact, yes, here is the city manager himself making just that exact statement to the Union Leader:
“This is not about revenue. This is not about the city losing any money,” – City Manager John A. MacLean
From the new suit:
37. The City has suffered damages, all within the jurisdictional limits of the Court, for
the following:
a. Loss of an employee;
b. A modified schedule for another employee because of the Defendants’
c. Hiring costs to replace the lost employee;
d. Monetary and administrative expenses with regard to counseling and other
Human Resource issues; and
e. The PEOs’ inability to properly perform their employment duties.
Item “e” is another way of them saying “LOST REVENUE”. Looks like the truth has come out. It IS really all about their lost revenue…and the continued attempt to crush the liberty activists in the area. The defendants must file appearances and answers in the case within 30 days of being served with the case. Here is the 2nd lawsuit against Robin Hooders in PDF form, as filed in Cheshire “superior” court on Monday 9/23.
by Ian | Sep 14, 2013 |
Wow, have I really blown it. A few days ago I posted this article which was intended to thank the activists who did such an amazing job on the Concord BEARCAT issue. It apparently did the opposite – at least two of the activists who spearheaded the issue are apparently very upset. Why? The answer is in the last paragraph of the article where I said:
The more ridiculous and outrageous the NH state-believers become, the more people will move here and get active. The state-believers are not even close to having learned their lesson about not aggressing against peaceful people yet, so I must thank them for inspiring more influential activists like Dan to move here and concentrate their activism! Yay!
One of the anti-BEARCAT organizers shared my post on facebook, calling it a “backhanded compliment”. She apparently thought I was talking about her in that paragraph. I thought I was clear that I was talking about the government bureaucrats, but apparently I was not at all clear.
Why would she think I was talking about her with the term “state believer”? Well, after the BEARCAT activism, the activists in question were understandably a little frustrated with some of their fellow liberty-loving activists. Apparently there is a group of “anarchists” in the movement who have a habit of deriding political activism and that has frustrated the anti-BEARCAT activists in question, who are political activists and are disappointed that more people did not help with their anti-BEARCAT efforts. Worse, some of the “anarchists” apparently openly insulted the anti-BEARCAT efforts as pointless – these critics are totally wrong – the efforts were a strong success. The anti-BEARCAT activists had indicated that some callous people had called them “statists” for their small-government beliefs. So, when she saw my use of “state-believer”, she thought I was talking about her. At least – that’s what I could extract from the posts one of them made on facebook before blocking me.
I wasn’t talking about the political activists. I was talking about the aggressors – in this case, the people calling themselves the “city of Concord” and police. I can see how “state believers” did not effectively communicate that.
I have nothing but respect for the political activists in New Hampshire. They have done and continue to do amazing work. I myself am a politically active person and did the exact-same-things as did the Concord activists during the Keene BEARCAT situation – why on earth would I insult similar efforts? I hope this message reaches the eyes of anyone who took offense. Your activism was fantastic, as I poorly expressed in my original article. I’m sorry I blew communicating my ideas – I did not mean to upset you. (more…)
by Ian | Sep 10, 2013 |
Political action is alive and well in Keene with a record six activists jumping into the Keene municipal elections this year!
In the Ward and Mayoral races, liberty activists are the ONLY competition to the statist incumbents (This is a list of the current candidates – the main filing deadline closed this afternoon.)!
More information about the candidates will be coming soon. They include David Crawford, James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland, and Conan Salada, in wards 1, 2, and 4, respectively. In the at-large race, I am running and in the mayoral race both Rich Paul and Darryl W. Perry are running. Mark your calendar for the general election date of Tuesday, November 5, 2013! A primary election is scheduled for October 8, one candidate will be eliminated from the At-Large City Council election, and the Mayoral race will be reduced to 2 candidates.
Would you like to be around a bunch of other people who care enough about liberty to do something? Here are 150+ reasons to move to Keene!