Derrick J Freeman’s Peace News Now broadcast for Monday, May 27 covered the mostly victorious trial result of Vernon Hershberger, an Amish farmer accused of unlawful distribution of raw cow milk in Wisconsin. The trial lasted a full week, and ended with not guilty findings on three of the four charges against Vernon. Also covered in PNN’s episode #122 is Medea Benjamin’s successful interruption of an Obama event to speak out against the terrorism of drone warfare.
Marc Stevens, host of the No State Project has been busy on the phones in the Antrim speeding case trying to track down someone who can show evidence that the statutes apply to us. He finally gets the Senior Assistant to the NH Attorney General on the phone to hopefully iron out this mystery. Unfortunately she has “no idea” and can only make the vague claim that it’s “commonly known”. Get the full audio of his call on Marc’s site.
On Thursday, six individuals associated with activities related to Robin Hood of Keene were delivered a stack of legal documents from Cheshire sheriff’s deputies. While responses are being crafted, independent media begins to disseminate information regarding this escalation by the royal forces against the merry men. Derrick J reports through his daily newscast Peace News Now with excerpts from the case file.
Just as police attempted following the Chalking 8 case, by attributing negative actions not to any individual but to an amorphous group, the police and city bureaucrats shirk the task of properly placing responsibility for whatever allegation they are attempting to advance.
In other Keene happenings, the newest variety program from the Aqua Keene Parking Force premieres in under 24 hours. AKPF #1 will broadcast at Free Concord and Free Keene at midnight on the morning of May 13, and at 7:00pm on Cheshire TV.
Here is audio from day 3 of Rich’s Paul trial for distribution of cannabis. Audio from the second day is not available as the doors were locked between breaks and only unlocked while court was not in session. Audio from day 3 covers closing arguments and the jury’s delivery of the verdict.
The trial of Rich Paul continues into its third day. While the public waits on the full video, here is audio of the first day’s proceedings courtesy Free Concord: