RLS 050: Derrick J’s Cannabis Crime Spree


Derrick J joins us in studio to celebrate our 50th episode! Topics this week include Derrick ending his THC cleanse, does poly “demean the relationship”? reviews of Shire Dude finale, Karaoke in Manch, taking parking tickets to court, Shire Dude joining as cohost of Flaming Freedom? RLS is to poly anarchists as Flaming Freedom is to gay anarchists, Shire Dude rejects labels, whats the greatest number of porcupines? Gay or Poly? thoughts on Liberland, #dickgate, beef squashing, Shire Dude/Rob drama with the artist formerly known as O girl, when is it appropriate to go public, why mediation is important, plans at porcfest, and cop blocking in Manchester. The Rebel Love Show is live every Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on LRN.FM.

Copblock of Manchester Police Checkpoint

On May 22nd, 2015 the Manchester police department conducted a sobriety checkpoint11053395_442959655879056_3274836458399851583_n on Bridge street. In New Hampshire, the police are required by law to announce when a checkpoint will take place. This gives activists in the Shire time to plan and organize for such an event. On this night dozens of activists came out to copblock the checkpoint. There was coverage at both the actual checkpoint and at the last intersection before entering the checkpoint. A majority of the effort was to divert drivers from entering the 1780907_442959355879086_2392878721689489799_ncheckpoint. Activists used large signs, hand signals, dance moves, and a laser light to project warnings on the side of a building. Fellow FreeKeene blogger Shire Dude was also on the scene livestreaming the event via bambuser. The Manchester police department conducts these sobriety check points every few weeks. It is a guarantee that each one of these events will have a strong copblock presence. Shire Dude and I will be there each time to document the activism.

“Boston Strong” Threatens Cop Block’s JP Freeman on Video

Matthew “Boston Strong” Schmidt believes “everyone loves” it when he lays on his horn as he drives by the Keene Activist Center. That’s what he did last week, while Keene Cop Block‘s JP Freeman was on the front porch. Once Boston got back to his house a few doors down, he taunted JP, which led to an unfortunate shouting match between the two. Then, Rich Paul went over to chat and following that, Boston came into the street and told JP more than once that he was going to “rap your head with a ratchet”, while brandishing a set of tools. Here’s the video:

To Boston’s credit, he’s a pretty dedicated activist. He recently even acquired a megaphone, which you see used in this video. He really doesn’t understand how to be a good neighbor, but he sure is an entertaining one. A little while back, Matt “Boston Strong” Schmidt was subpoenaed to a no contact hearing called for by JP at Cheshire superior court. At the hearing, Boston admitted to having been laying on his horn, which JP, who lived in the neighborhood at the time, claimed had woken up his small children. At the court hearing, Boston agreed to an order by the robed man which specifies Boston and JP should not have contact with each other and that Boston will not honk or blare his horn after 4pm. He’s been honking his horn in civil disobedience ever since the order was written. Personally, I find his antics amusing, but JP takes them personally.

While both men are responsible for creating the scene last week, (as JP did not have to react in-kind), Boston definitely instigated it, and escalated it. (more…)

BREAKING: Ademo Released From Jail After One Night, Judge “Respects” CopBlock

Yesterday, Free Keene blogger and Cop Block founder Ademo Freeman was arrested in Zanesville, OH court for speaking and jailed for five days for contempt. Now, after one night in jail, the same judge apologized and released him.

According to Ademo’s update streamed live this morning via Bambuser, he had a 15-minute conversation with the judge (on a Saturday!) who said he respects what Ademo does at CopBlock.org, and that yesterday was a misunderstanding. He was then released from his contempt sentence and set free!

Ademo Arrested in Ohio Court for Speaking

Free AdemoAccording to Deo of Ohio Cop Block, Free Keene blogger and Cop Block founder Ademo Freeman has been kidnapped and jailed for five days for “contempt”.  He apparently said “mother fucker” to a court bailiff, who went and cried to the judge. Check out the multiple videos leading up to the arrest, over at Cop Block.

Here’s a summary of what happened:

Ademo Freeman. CopBlock Founder, blogger, and motherfucker was arrested today for contempt of court in Zanesville, Ohio. He was there to see about a Zanesville CopBlocker, who was arrested for obstruction for filming last night. The bailiff in his Bambuser video challenged him to show him where he had walked in the courtroom with a hat on. This created an argument about filming in the courtroom to which Ademo responded, “I sued the last mother fucker who told me I couldn’t record in a courtroom, you wanna be next?”


The shitbag bailiff then went into the judge and told him Ademo called HIM a mother fucker! The judge found Ademo in contempt and told him he was sentenced to 10 days. After an apology, the judge relented and lowered the sentence to 5 days. People we know in Zanesville are worried about Ademos well being when he gets out, as they know how Zanesville cops are. (more…)