Free Stater vs Manchester PD over Inspection Sticker Edict

I moved to the Shire just under one year ago. Since then I have been thrown into being a right to travel activist, but not by choice. The car I purchased with bitcoin has been pulled over by police in New Hampshire over 10 times now. Most likely due to the liberty stickers on the bumper. I do not leave home with out a camera on me any more because of the amount of interactions I find my self in with the local government agents. Due to this, I have recorded conversations with police more than I have ever wanted to. In this situation, I was in violation of the government edict regarding the proper sticker on my windshield. This sticker represents if my vehicle had been inspected with in the last year. Due to the fact that my car was in violation of said edict, I attempted to talk to this officer in a way that broke down the uniform. I treated him as a human being who is issuing a letter of extortion to me. Is this a good tactic? I know there are many strategies for talking to the police but I was already being issued a ticket and took advantage of the situation in an attempt to emotionally reach the officer. I am sure I made mistakes in how I handled this, please leave any criticisms you may have. The video was recorded by the latest Free State Project early mover Ann Leverette.

Full Video of James Cleaveland Trial for Recording Police

James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland, local businessman, activist, and independent journalist refused the plea deal and took to trial two misdemeanor “class a” charges of “disorderly conduct” and “resisting arrest” for recording video of the police. Here’s the full, nearly four hour trial video.

During the lengthy trial, the state called several police witnesses to testify that in order to keep James safe from a gunman who was threatening to take his own life, that they needed to arrest James and put him in a cage for two years. Of course, the police really wanted to keep themselves safe from James’ camera and were willing to crush the supposed freedom of the press to do so.

Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the verdict when it’s available.

Video of the Cop Block Panel @ Keenevention 2014

Keene and Manchester have long been hotspots for copblocking and especially so in 2014. Manchester has had regular DUI checkpoints that have been blocked by 30-40 activists throughout the Summer. Keene Cop Block has generated huge positive name recognition with their regular know-your-rights outreach & copblocking in the college neighborhood on weekend nights. Learn about what’s happening in the Shire from some of the key activists involved in Keenevention‘s first-ever Cop Block panel. Presented by Cop Block’s Eric Freerock. Panelists included Joël Valenzuela, Centurion, and Christopher Cantwell.

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Maximizing Your Time at Keenevention 2014

I look forward to participating in what will be the second annual Keenevention this weekend. The forum taking place at the Best Western Plus Sovereign Hotel on Winchester Street will feature panels and speeches by New Hampshire’s activist community. In addition to a panel focusing on Direct Action that I will be hosting on Sunday, I was also asked to speak on Saturday’s media panel by organizer Mark Edge. When I agreed, I was not informed who else would be on the panel, though I expected that organizers would only select participants of honorable reputation when showcasing the most effective activists that New Hampshire offers.

While there is certainly a need for diversity of perspective within the activist community, there are standards that a reasonable person would expect individuals would hold each other to if we wish to make any sort of collective impact. As a peace activist, anyone who directly advocated or applauds the use of violence can be objectively classified as having beliefs counter to my own. For myself, I am wasting my most valuable asset, my time, if I support those working against my interests, those who are promoting ideas that are the opposite of my own.earth_dark_light

It was once consensus within the libertarian and anarchist community of greater Keene that embracing peace was equally imperative to embracing ideas of social liberty. For whatever reason over the past year or so, that sentiment has changed as some formerly positive spirits have darkened amidst of heightened wave of reactionary opposition. (more…)

VIDEO: Pack of Cops Attack Hungry Students Long After Pumpkin Fest 2014 Riots

After I got off-the-air from my live Saturday radio program (on which we discussed the initial Pumpkin Fest 2014 riots), I headed back down to the college. At the time, there was a helicopter broadcasting a message to disperse or be arrested. I arrived at the gateway to Keene State College – Winchester St. to witness a huge throng of police marching down the street. I quickly pulled out my camera and began to record:


circumvent-the-copsAfter walking around the nearest building on campus, in full view of the line of police, activists walked onto campus and right back over to Winchester St.  We continued walking west on Winchester and no cops said anything to us there.  However, we again went on campus and came back out on Madison St., on the west end of the college.  Here there were several police standing around the intersection and one of them told me we couldn’t pass, despite college students walking down Winchester St. immediately behind them. (more…)

PumpkinFest Riots 2014

NEXT DAY UPDATE: Check out footage of the bottle war that erupted here.

Once again, the college kids are rioting at PumpkinFest. There is raw video and unedited images posted at It appears that police in riot gear have been positioned on Winchester St between Main St and Ralston St. Eye witnesses reported seeing college students throwing beer bottles on Baker St, and dozens of police in riot gear.
pumpkinfest riot


pumpkinfest swat