AKPF #1: Checkmark Charliepoint

This week’s installment of AKPF #1 is entitled Checkmark Charliepoint and features footage from on the ground in Manchester, New Hampshire on the evening of a controversial police traffic control checkpoint. ALso featured are the latest updates from the Shire Dude series and news from Derrick J, Rich Paul, and Dave Ridley.

0:00 Cheshire TV warning disclaimer
0:10 Obamacoin southbound on I-93 in Hooksett take em to the bank
1:22 DFW DUI checkpoint in Manchester inquisition
4:49 All the people holding signs
5:50 Decending into the checkpoint charlie
6:55 Captain Hopkins at your protect and service
11:48 Heading back on foot
16:20 Shire Dude episode post-doge 03
21:16 Derrick J interviews Rich Paul after his release from jail after 36 days for alleged violation of probation
24:31 Ridley analyzes the camera seizing activities of police in Cheshire County, Keene, New Hampshire’s North Korea DPRK
28:50 End credits disclaimers

Neutralizing Police Checkpoints in Manchester

Last night there was a DUI checkpoint in Manchester, NH. Some activists caught wind about the event and created signs to warn drivers to divert their paths. Dozens of activists participated, and probably hundreds of drivers were saved from unwanted interactions with police. Some people handed out “Know Your Rights” cards to passers-by on the street. I took video throughout the night to document this effective activism. One of the highlights of my night was rolling through the traffic stop with James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland. The checkpoint begins 5 minutes into the video. Here’s how it went:


Black Sheep Rising – Episode 60


James gets arrested • To upload or not to upload? • Love your haters • Nice people like to obey • Cops love punching folks • James, Rapsher, and Freerock join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

BREAKING: James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland Arrested

robin-hood-james-cleaveland-keeneDetails are scarce at the moment, but it appears that Robin Hood himself, aka James Cleaveland has been arrested, purportedly as he attempted to gather news about a standoff between an allegedly suicidal man and Keene police.

The Keene Sentinel has a developing story regarding the standoff, which has apparently ended after shots have been fired. Some activists returning from the scene believe that the allegedly suicidal man shot himself. Regarding James’ arrest, no other activists were apparently there to witness it and details are unclear as to if James was recording at the time or not.

UPDATE 12am Eastern: James is out and was interviewed on Peace News Now with Derrick J on LRN.FM.

According to his interview with Derrick J, James has been charged with “Disorderly Conduct” and “Resisting Arrest”. He says he was trying to comply and had agreed to move backwards. He says the police have confiscated his camera. James will be arraigned at Keene district court on 9/2 at 8:30am.

Rebel Love Show Episode 7

Rebel Love Show episode 7 was released this week.  Bitcoin expert Mattheus von Guttenberg  stops by the studio to talk bitcoin in the Manchester area and the conversations goes into our disdain for the police, transhumanism, privacy, and online dating from a liberty perspective.   The show is also available to download as a podcast.