Keeniacs Visit Palmer, MA – 2012 Edition

Back in 2011, Keene-based activists traveled south to Palmer, MA to support Jay Noone as his home was being taken from him by the people calling themselves the “Town of Palmer”. You can see the video of that day’s events here.

In the 2011 visit, we were able to walk about the town offices and ask the employees questions with no threats from Palmer police.

This time, however, things were different. Activists once again traveled South to help protect Jay Noone’s home from being sold at a “tax sale”. Coincidentally, we happened to encounter a tax sale at Palmer town hall back in 2011 as well. This time, no one from the public was allowed into the “very open, public tax sale”. The first stop however was the “open house”, where potential buyers were informed that the home is stolen property and that they would be included in a lawsuit by Jay if they purchased the home.

Palmer police were mostly giving us the silent treatment, especially one officer who was parked conspicuously down the street video recording us from afar on a dated, tape-based device. Finally, I was later arrested for the horrible crime of walking into town hall with a video camera and refusing to shut it off. Apparently, the Glik decision didn’t mean much to these bureaucrats. All that and more are all included in this 15 minute video of the scene:

VIDEO: Ian Arrested in Palmer MA for Recording in Town Hall

Earlier today, the police in the Town of Palmer ignored the historic Glik decision that affirms your right to record government employees in the performance of their duties, and went ahead and arrested a cameraman, me, for recording video in their town hall. Darryl described the scene earlier. A longer video is coming, but for now, here’s the video of us entering the town of Palmer offices, the arrest, to when the cops turn the camera off:

UPDATE: Here’s the arrest report from officer Raymond L. Tenczar. Compare his report to the reality of the uncut video, and you decide…

One more thing: In case you don’t believe this was a public auction, here’s proof:
1. Here’s the Zekos Group announcement of the auction, which I downloaded from their website, that clearly states, “This will be a very open, public, and professional process“. Other attendees were denyed entry to the auction – unless they had a $5,000 cashier’s check.
2. We visited the Palmer town offices and sat in on a tax sale in 2011 and were unmolested by the same town bureaucrats. See the video here: (more…) Covers Tax Sale Protest & Ian’s Arrest

Thanks to MassLive’s Lori Stabile for the coverage of today’s situation in Palmer, MA:

PALMER – During a public auction of town-owned properties on Thursday, only registered bidders were allowed to attend, the media and other members of the public were banned, and a New Hampshire man was arrested.

Town officials took the unusual step of allowing only registered bidders inside the auction, held inside the Town Building on Main Street, to prevent a group of protesters from potentially disrupting the proceedings. (more…)

HD Footage of Keene City Building’s Allegedly Illegal Security Checkpoint

The city of Keene now requires a search to get to the 2nd and 3rd floor city offices as Keene District Court expands their security to the first floor for no reason other than to spend more money and take more control. In case you missed it, here is detail in an article from FPP.CC‘s Darryl Perry. Here’s HD coverage of the checkpoint interview with security head Lance Walton. Some are claiming this checkpoint is illegal and are claiming a lawsuit may be filed against the city.

Derrick J’s Video Shoots to #1 On Cop Block’s Youtube Channel

It’s gone hater-viral! Now with over 300,000 views amassed mostly in the last 48 hours, the video of the Manch cop opening Derrick J’s door has passed all the other great videos at Cop Block’s Youtube to reach the #1 spot.

How did it happen? Looks like someone posted the video to reddit with the title, “We’ve seen lots of bad cops treating citizens poorly; Here’s some bad citizens treating a good cop poorly.”

The comments section is full of Stockholm Syndrome sufferers who excuse the officer’s aggression by claiming he’s just doing his job and was “respectful”. They ignore that officer Harrington aggressed against a peaceful driver who had not endangered anyone, then attack Derrick for daring to keep his privacy (and the heat in the car) by only cracking his window to talk to the officer. (Among other nasty, vitriolic comments.)

The reddit comments are a sad reminder of how worshipped the police are – how people will excuse their aggression so long as they are nice-seeming about it. It really highlights why its so important for liberty-loving people to move to NH and get together – lots of people love their oppressors and we are highly diluted across the country and world. If you haven’t signed up yet, hop on over to the Free State Project site and get onboard – we just crossed 13,000 signers!

Here’s the video in question: (more…)