“Residency” Charges Dropped!

It’s been a very successful year for me in court! First the no trespass order banning me from superior court was ruled unconstitutional, then Palmer, MA settles my camera arrest case for $5,000, and now the “residency” charge has been dropped!

As you may recall, I was pulled over in February by Jason Short of the Keene police. He ticketed me for allegedly being a “resident” and not getting a driver’s license from the NH bureaucrats.

In order to prove their claim, the state would have to prove I am a “resident”. Guess they didn’t feel confident enough in their evidence, because this morning police prosecutor Jean M. Kilham dropped the charge. However, she did say she was going to report the claims to the NH DMV and FL DMV. She intends to use their administrative system where the burden of proof is much lower than court. She wants NH to suspend “driving privileges” for a year and FL to cancel my license.

So, it may not be over yet entirely, but for now the court case has been eliminated.

Discoverizing the Robin Hood Case


Steven Gilbert

Yesterday, I filed a discovery request with royal court jester Thomas Mullins. In it, I ask for all evidence related to the case against Robin Hood of Keene. The city, led by the prince and building its case through the riddle-loving royal jester, have made all sorts of baseless and vague allegations against those associated with Robin Hood of Keene. The degradations took a patronizingly condescending turn recently when city powers had one of their minions, Steven Gilbert, go on the attack through yet another antagonizing editorial. Fortunately, the Sentinel is just as able to verify its claims as the city, which is to say that they were heavy on allegations and insinuations, and frail on fact. Gilbert’s intentionally misleading diatribe may deserve its own response, but at the moment, with more pressing matters on the table than the opinions of an ailing dinosaur, I intend to cut through such static with the important ultimatum Robin Hood and friends have been awaiting since allegations against us began spewing from city officials prior to the filing of the frivolous lawsuit. With my request for discovery, I am demanding from the royal deviants the evidence that they have gone to such lengths to keep obscured. What honor has a man who makes false claims against numerous upstanding members of the community, and insists he possess evidence supporting such claims? How long can one continue the allegations before the final shreds of faith in their person wither? Actions speak where words are banter, and as time passes, the banter becomes easier to isolate. Prince John, Jester keene_papertigerMullins, and the royal henchmen and spinsters have for too long continued preaching falsehoods against Robin Hood and the Merry (wo)Men. Within ten days, I expect a response from the Jester as is obligated by the rules of the court. Will the city be able to manufacture their alleged video evidence of Robin Hooder harassment, or will the world be lulled by the softening roars of another paper tiger?

Robin Hood’s Next Hearing: See You Aug 12

rh_hat1Judge John Kissinger has affirmed that the city’s case against Robin Hood of Keene and friends is on hold until an evidentiary hearing to be held on August 12. Received in the mail today was a notice of two hearings (June 24 and August 12), and a notice of decision. The notice for June 24 refers to a special hearing on media restrictions granted after a motion filed by Ian Freeman to address unconstitutional restrictions on electronics being exercised by the bailiffs beyond the direction of the sitting judge. Though not directly related to the Robin Hood case (rather, the media’s access to it), all parties were invited to attend the June date. The six-sentence decision acknowledges through omission that the preliminary order sought by the city was not granted as requested. Unless the pending motion to dismiss is granted, the matter will continue on with a full evidentiary hearing in August, in which the city will be compelled to substantiate its claims against Robin Hood and friends.

Condensed Video from Robin Hood Hearing

On June 11th, Free Concord posted to FreeKeene.com, City Fails to Obtain Preliminary Injuction Against Robin Hooders + Full Court Video. This follow-up post includes shorter version of the video captured at the hearing. Much thanks to Darryl Perry for recording (despite an unprovoked and unnecessary verbal lashing from bailiffs early-on), to Ian Freeman for uploading for all to see, and to all who came out in support.



Black Sheep Rising – Episode 04

In this episode, we discuss the Palmer, Mass. win, Rich Paul’s sentencing, Keene’s new city budget and government funded man caves.  Jay Freeville joins us.  I found him a big ole Papa bear chair off the side of the road that was just right.