by Ian | Jul 11, 2012 |
If you’ve been reading the blog in the last few months, you may have seen Ademo’s piece/video where he updates us on the situation surrounding his chalking arrest from Manchester last year. In short, the “superior” court there sent a hearing notice to the wrong address – an address that doesn’t even exist, and so Ademo was unaware of his pending court date, and therefore missed it. Ademo has never missed a court date. He would not have missed this one – especially since he’d REQUESTED it! He was trying to get a “de novo” (from the beginning) trial in front of a jury since a robed man had convicted him in a bench trial. He figured he’d have a chance to convince a jury of his innocence.
Well, not only did the court send the hearing notice to the wrong place, but Ademo could prove it and he filed motions in both district and “superior” courts to correct their error and re-set the trial date. The motions were denied.
So, to recap, all the courts need to do to screw you out of a jury trial is send a notice to the wrong address! Apparently their mistake counts against YOU. (more…)
by Ian | Jun 30, 2012 |
A few months ago, Chris Cantwell moved to the Keene area. Chris is a talented comedian, a great activist, and an excellent writer. Over the time he’s been here, I’ve shared some of his articles on this blog. There’s a reason though that I only shared his articles rather than inviting him to blog here – Chris doesn’t believe in peaceful evolution. Chris, as he explains in his piece on why he’s leaving Keene, believes in defensive violence against the state. This belief system immediately put him at odds with those of us in Keene who believe that peace is the way. (more…)
by Ian | Jun 27, 2012 |‘s Erik Voorhees (also a Free State Project mover to the Seacoast) blogs about his experience at Porcfest 2012:
PorcFest (short for Porcupine Freedom Festival) is a week-long camping extravaganza put on each year by The Free State Project, an ambitious organization trying to move 20,000 liberty activists to the state of New Hampshire. PorcFest takes place on a large campground with hot showers, bathrooms, roads, meeting halls, and even a manicured grass field. It is camping-lite, but it makes a perfect environment for over a thousand liberty lovers to converge, drink, smoke, talk, laugh, argue, and show off their new semi-auto pistol accessories.
As a long-time member of the Free State Project, I moved to New Hampshire in early 2011 and have now been to three PorcFests. This one was the best, as you can imagine, because this was the first time Bitcoin had any significant presence. And wow, what a presence it had! (more…)
by Kelly | Jun 1, 2012 |
It’s like a George Orwell novel come to life.
On Tuesday, May 22, 2012, I attended an Obama 2012 rally at Keene State College where vice president Joe Biden was scheduled to speak. I arrived at the event about two hours before Biden was expected to arrive and the college campus was crawling with secret service agents, campus security, event coordinators, and of course, the KPD. There were metal detectors in the entrance to the student center where the event was being held and everyone, students included, had to be wanded down on their way in. The elite must be protected. Typical.
by Ademo | May 31, 2012 |
It’s been brought to my attention that the FBI has been snooping around the Keene area for several months. First they called in a fellow Free Keene blogger (who asked not to be identified) and asked him if violence was advocated amongst those who frequent the Keene Activity Center. The Free Keene blogger clearly told them they had the wrong people and that if violence was ever advocated, it would be rejected as a means to the end by any real “Free Stater” (a term I use only as a way to identify a group, it should be understood that ‘free staters’, like everyone else, are individuals responsible for their own actions and thoughts).
Top this off with a few sketchy visits from new movers, who I now believe to be FBI agents or informants, and it’s almost comical – if not so scary – how pathetic the FBI’s attempts are at infiltrating the Keene Activity Center (KAC). One guy, ‘Michael’, came to the KAC for a visit (which is typical of new movers) and after a long conversation – where I asked him directly if he was an agent of the state (he said he was not) – it was decided that “Michael’s” views are not acceptable to those who frequent the KAC and he was asked to leave. He has never attempted a return but it should be noted that this man may still be trying to infiltrate liberty groups.
Fast forward a couple a months and the FBI – Phil Christiana – decides to interview another liberty minded person, Rich Paul. Known for his self ownership activism, relating to the war on drugs – particularly marijuana – Rich was targeted for allegedly making voluntary exchanges of substances the government deems illegal. Funny thing is, Phil and the state agent that was assisting him didn’t even care about the drugs. What did Phil and the FBI want? They wanted Rich to wear a wire into the Keene Activity Center. (more…)
by Ian | May 5, 2012 |
New mover Chris Cantwell reflects on his first month in the Shire:
A few weeks ago, my shotgun would have subjected me to years in a state prison, I paid an 8.625% sales tax on nearly everything I purchased, and a progressive state income tax made every effort to steal from me the fruits of my labor. Finally, a local municipality driven mad by xenophobic anti-immigration activists declared my apartment illegal and threatened to evict me from my home. Thanks for that, no, really, thank you, because coming to New Hampshire is the single greatest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.
So I fit what I could in my van and fled the criminal gangs calling themselve The State, operating inside the arbitrary geopolitical boundary commonly known as New York. 5 hours north, I find myself in Marlborough, New Hampshire, just outside of Keene.
The move couldn’t have gone smoother. (more…)