Liberty Activists and Authoritarian Statists Call WKBK’s “Talkback” 2008-12-13

Radio TowerLiberty activists called WKBK’s Talkback today and discussed food vending permits, noise ordinances, “the law”, and liberty activists and the “community”. One of today’s statist authoritarian callers suggested that free staters are “intrusive” and “coming from the outside and dictating”. Listen as Cynthia and Kendall completely change their tune when FreeKeene’s Ian calls in. Politicians, as always want everyone to like them.

The unfortunate fact is, the authoritarians are still the bulk of call load on this show. We could really use your help! Please join us in calling the program with a pro-liberty viewpoint. Get details and discuss on this Free Keene forum thread.

Download the MP3.

Keene Cops Attempt Crackdown on Peaceful Festival Attendees!

RiveraIf you’ve been watching the blog here at, you’ve no doubt already seen the multiple Ridley Report entries covering the Keene Police’s attempted crackdown on the Fall 2008 Keene Freedom Festival. Liberty activists and other members of the public were enjoying themselves at Railroad Square this past Sunday. Several organizations were doing outreach, there was a gambling table, live music by the Josh Noone Band (Here’s a live recording of “hypocrisy” from Freedom Fest.) and others, and lots of socializing and networking going on. Then, about an hour into the event, “city prosecutor” Elizer Rivera, showed up in a police uniform with three of his associates, “detective” William Sargent, “lieutenant” Jay Dugay, and “officer” Matt Griffin. Griffin was observing from across the street, while Sargent acted as the silent heavy. Dugay at least had a friendly demeanor even though he was threatening all of the attendees with arrest allegedly for illegally assembling without a permit. In the video footage, you can see I got him to laugh when I caught him saying something particularly silly. Dugay clearly would rather have been doing something else, but is not willing to refuse to follow bad orders.

Moments after their arrival, the police were surrounded by activists, many of whom were armed with video cameras or audio recorders. Even though Dugay claimed that they were responding to an alleged complaint and were investigating whether the Freedom Fest attendees had a permit or not, Rivera’s actions contradicted Dugay’s statements. (more…)

Watch Keene’s Cheshire TV LIVE Online

For out of the area followers of ongoings in Keene, you now have a new way to connect. Cheshire TV is in Beta testing of their free online stream. Cheshire TV is the home studio of Free Minds TV, as well as occasionally airing Ridley Reports and Ryder Reports.

For the more politically interested, Cheshire TV airs City Council and School Board meetings, as well as a political talk show, Keene No-Spin, which is on Friday nights at 7pm. Most all of the shows repeat through the week, CLICK for the full schedule.

And here of course is the link to the online stream:

Keene Freedom Fest: Fall 2008 – Sunday 10/26, 11a-2p

GamblingThe day after this year’s Pumpkin Fest in Keene, stay in town for Keene Freedom Fest! It’s happening Sunday, October 26th from 11am to 2pm in downtown Keene’s Railroad Square (82 Main St.). Enjoy a fun, relaxing day in the company of fellow liberty lovers and these activities:

•Live music
•Illegal gambling
•Halloween mask event
•Free gun safety lesson

Meet representatives from these organizations and learn more about all these ways to increase liberty in your life:

Fully Informed Jury Association
NH Free Press
Free Minds TV
NH Liberty Alliance
Anarchy In Your Head
NH Common Sense
Liberty Scholarship Fund
Liberty Conspiracy
Alternatives Expo
Free Talk Live’s Bloggers

Learn more and get the latest info at!