Video of the New Movers Panel @ Keenevention 2015

Get a fresh perspective on NH activism from Keenevention‘s New Movers Panel of people who’ve moved for the Free State Project within the last year, hosted by new-mover-to-Peterborough and author Dr. Tarrin Lupo.  Panelists included Dax Seal, Jeremy Kauffman, Bruno Parga, and Gloria Leustek:

Big thanks to our 2015 video sponsor – Roberts & Roberts Brokerage – when you’re serious about precious metals – they take bitcoin!

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more videos weekly and other media from the event. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter and Keenevention’s facebook page.

AP Story on Snowden’s 2016 Keynote at Liberty Forum Getting Major Pickups

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden to Keynote Liberty Forum 2016

A couple weeks ago, the Free State Project broke the news that Edward Snowden would be keynoting the 2016 Liberty Forum, which happens Feb 18-21 in Manchester at the Radisson Hotel.

Now, mainstream media is picking up the news via an AP story (apparently sourced from NH’s Valley News) that is popping up in places like the Washington Post, FOX News, and dozens more outlets nationwide.

With two months to go and other speakers to be announced, the 2016 Liberty Forum is looking like it will be an amazing event.

2016 is also the year that the FSP will reach its goal of 20,000 people pledged to move to New Hampshire to work toward more liberty. The only question is when. Just this weekend, the Free State Project crossed 90% of its goal. In order to push to the goal faster, they’ve launched a fundraising campaign to buy facebook ads. Here’s the pitch video produced by Free Keene blogger JJ Schlessinger:

New Hampshire Liberty News Roundup

I’ve had loads of news from New Hampshire of interest to libertarians that have been stacking up over the last couple of months that I just haven’t been able to make the time to post individually here. So, this is my attempt to catch up on my backlog by putting them all in a news round-up post:

Ridley Report: Can’t move to NH? You can still help from outside.

In Dave Ridley‘s recent two-part video, he explains that people outside of NH can still focus their activism efforts here, and reap greater benefit for liberty in general. If you can’t move to New Hampshire, spending your activism time doing things for NH’s freedom from afar, like reviewing bills for the NH Liberty Alliance – would be a more efficient way for you to spend your time.

He also critiques the perceived ratio of activism to social events in NH, though admits he can only observe activism that’s publicized. It’s an important two videos, and as usual, Ridley’s commentary is right on:

Video 1/2:

Video 2/2: (more…)

Can Shia LaBeouf DO IT and help the Free State Project reach 20,000?

As the Free State Project closes in on 90% of its goal of 20,000 people pledged to move to New Hampshire and get active to achieve liberty in our lifetime, Shia LaBeouf has some words of inspiration to help give a gentle nudge to those still sitting on the fence:

If you love liberty, please join the Free State Project and start planning your move today!

Need a few more reasons to move? Here are 101 of them, in our one-hour documentary, “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“.