Bradley Manning Defense Presentation (Full Video)

On the evening of December 3, the Bradley Manning Support Network sponsored a presentation by Manning’s attorney David Coombs. Coombs played down the media’s role in covering the military tribunal, yet acknowledged the more humane treatment that positive press coverage resulted in after Manning was removed from harsh conditions in Quantico, Virginia and moved to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. See the full hour video embedded below, featuring Emma Cape, Michael Ratner, and David Coombs. A detailed writeup is available from the Dissenter.

When Drunken Bros Attack: Meet Tim

If I were a busybody, I might assert that there needs to be a crackdown on the drug-addled maniacs that occasionally interject disorder into the harmony of Keene’s otherwise pleasant populous. As Keene Cop Block has been operating consistently since autumn began, something I had discovered quickly was that KPD does not pose the greatest threat to recording equipment on Friday and Saturday nights. Drunken commoners have the least concern for other’s personal property. Though not always through malevolence, some young people find it gratifying to shout praise of their alma mater while holding a Cop Blocker’s videocamera inches away from their face.

gobra_001Once in a blue moon, you come across someone as disoriented and insecure as a friend we made last week, Tim. Tim considers himself to be the king of the alphabros. He had the most violent reaction to cameras of any druggie that the crew has come across. From his perspective, he may have felt infringed upon. Despite the fact that he had approached a group of videographers as his friends walked away, he had concerns about cameras being in his face. When I approached the group after seeing him stepping towards fellow filmer James in the way that a great ape squares off with its opponent, he then spoke as though he took preference for my clothes and hair. “Look at this afro mutherfucker…with a videocamera.” He began counting people, “One, two…,” and at “three”, he pounces towards me like a tranquilized animal. (more…)

Is Secession Coming Back in Style?

If 22 national petitions filed on, and an article today in the Concord Monitor are any indicator, discussion of the concept of secession is spreading rapidly through the minds of many in the United States. The Examiner reports that as of Monday, 22 states have a number of people circulating petitions for recognition of potential independence on the White House’s official petitioning website. While these numbers are currently in the hundreds and low thousands, the recognition of the legitimacy of the concept seems to be reaching a high water mark, and could continue swelling.

Ben Leubsdorf has penned two article’s in today’s Monitor about individuals making major movement with their feet, both into and out of New Hampshire. He reports on the expatriation of Frank Szabo, the controversial candidate for sheriff of Hillsborough County. Szabo announced early in his candidacy for the republican nomination that he had interest in protecting the sovereignty of New Hampshire from unconstitutional federal law enforcement actions. His campaign crashed and burned when he advocated enforcing non-existent laws against abortion seekers and providers. He announced Sunday on his facebook page that he had recently relocated to South America, where he plans to enjoy the remainder of his days. Currently in Chile, he states that he hopes to see extended family and friends in the future, though that may require that they voyage to visit him. He also announced in his facebook post that the IRS has seized $36,000 from him. (more…)

Drunken KHS Teacher Claims Drugs Are Bad, But Alcohol is Fine

You never know what you’re going to see when you are out on the streets with Keene CopBlock. In this case, CopBlockers were confronted by two drunken college girls, one of whom claiming to be a physical education teacher at Keene High School.

The young women ironically claim that drugs are bad, while being pretty inebriated on one of the hardest drugs of all, alcohol. Also, they advocate that people who do drugs like cocaine should be arrested, then one admits to having done Adderall (a stimulant, like cocaine) earlier in her college career.

The remain oblivious of their striking example of hypocrisy throughout the interview. This is what was happening when I had spotted the undercover officers drive by and gave chase, resulting in this other video outing the undercover “liquor dicks”.

Here are the drunk girls:

KPD’s Officer Griffin Rides His Bike on the Sidewalk in Downtown Keene

Earlier this week, Keene Copblockers hit the streets and encountered KPD’s Matt Griffin as he violated town ordinance regarding riding bikes on the sidewalks in downtown Keene. Griffin does a fine job of establishing the fact that there are two classes of men – those who work for government, and the rest of us: