The Hillsboro County, NH (Valley Street) Corrections Superintendent’s Hubris

The other day while reading the Union Leader I came across an article where HCDC Superintendent David Dionne decided to speak negatively against Cheshire County Corrections Superintendent Richard Van Wickler:

“It’s a slap in the face to the corrections profession,” said David Dionne” of Superintendent Van Wickler’s decision to hire a convicted felon as a Corrections Officer.

Having personally known people who have been employed and incarcerated under both Superintendents, I can tell you this:  Hillsboro County could easily relinquish its position as the most frequently sued New Hampshire county correctional facility if they got an administrator of Superintendent Van Wickler’s quality.

I’ve recently asked Keene-based liberty activists who have served sentences under Corporal Schoolcraft what they think of him as an individual.  I am completely confident in telling you this: the man sounds like a complete professional.  Superintendent Dionne has many officers that I’ve recently heard the polar opposite of.

Until I stop hearing such first hand negative accounts (and reading case after case filed in the US District Court of New Hampshire, the last one not even filed two weeks ago) regarding mistreatment of his prisoners, I think Superintendent Dionne should refrain from casting any judgement whatsoever on colleagues who are provably far more professional.

I’ve never heard CCDC being a candidate for a federal consent decree either.

VIDEO: Ian Arrested in Palmer MA for Recording in Town Hall

Earlier today, the police in the Town of Palmer ignored the historic Glik decision that affirms your right to record government employees in the performance of their duties, and went ahead and arrested a cameraman, me, for recording video in their town hall. Darryl described the scene earlier. A longer video is coming, but for now, here’s the video of us entering the town of Palmer offices, the arrest, to when the cops turn the camera off:

UPDATE: Here’s the arrest report from officer Raymond L. Tenczar. Compare his report to the reality of the uncut video, and you decide…

One more thing: In case you don’t believe this was a public auction, here’s proof:
1. Here’s the Zekos Group announcement of the auction, which I downloaded from their website, that clearly states, “This will be a very open, public, and professional process“. Other attendees were denyed entry to the auction – unless they had a $5,000 cashier’s check.
2. We visited the Palmer town offices and sat in on a tax sale in 2011 and were unmolested by the same town bureaucrats. See the video here: (more…)

Corruption in Palmer, Mass.

Joseph “Jay” Noone owned a house in Palmer, Massachusetts, or so he thought. Last Summer, the house was seized by the Town of Palmer after Jay failed to pay rent in the form of property tax. Noone holds a land patent on the property and says that he owns no real-estate, which can be taxed, whereas personal property can not be taxed.

On October 25, Palmer held a “public auction” on what they claim to be town owned property. Roughly half a dozen friends and supporters joined Noone outside of the house at 10 am. Jay Noone said, “I’m making people aware this is stolen property.” One supporter, David C. from Keene, NH, held a sign that read, “TAX SALES ARE THEFT!”

Jay, David and the others were told by Palmer PD that there was a “protest area.” During most of the 90 minute open house, the protest area was not occupied.

Around 11:30, Jay and friends went to the Palmer Town Hall to observe the “public auction” of this and other stolen houses. Upon arrival at the Town Hall, signs were spotted that read “POSTED: No video recording at Town Hall.”

Ian Freeman decided that he would record anyways to see what would happen. After we entered the building and asked where the auction was taking place, we were informed that only registered bidders were allowed to attend. Members of the media were barred as well as other members of the public. A Palmer Police Officer instructed Ian that he was not allowed to film. Ian stated that he intended to film and had filmed in that Town Hall previously.

After a brief back and forth in which Ian asked if the Officer was familiar with the Glik decision, Ian was escorted to the Police Department in another part of the building. He was then taken into the booking area on the other side of a Police door.

Shortly after being taken into custody, I heard them say that he was being arrested for “disorderly conduct.”

I immediately asked one of Jay Noone’s freinds if she could send a message to Keene 411 and contact someone in New Hampshire. The news of Ian’s arrest was quickly spread across facebook and via twitter. As Jay’s friend was talking to someone from New Hampshire, Palmer PD told us that we had to leave and go outside into the “protest area.” I replied that I was trying to find out what was happening with my friend who had just been arrested. I was told that he was being booked and would be taken to the court, but that I needed to go outside. As I was walking towards the door, another officer said that I, and the others, needed to go outside. I asked if members of the media could stay inside, and showed him my Press Badge. He responded that everyone that wasn’t registered for the auction needed to go outside into the “protest area.” I asked if he was stifling the free press, and he said “yes.” I complied, as I didn’t want to join my friend in a jail cell.

Around 12:30 we were informed that Ian was being booked and would likely be done in about an hour. Jay Noone said that Court returned from lunch at 2pm and that Ian would likely be arraigned at that time.

We entered the Court around 2:15pm, however no video is available as all cameras, cell phones and other electronic devices are banned from the Court. Ian was initially called before the judge around 2:30 and stated that he would not be taking a plea and would not be using a lawyer. He was released from his handcuffs and shackles and allowed to join the gallery.

Ian was instructed to speak with the Prosecutor and that he would be called back up. Ian was offered a plea deal, which would require him to claim “responsibility” (apparently Massachusetts lingo for “plead guilty”). He stated that he wanted this to go away and that he didn’t want to return to Massachusetts for court. The Judge offered to let Ian pay $50, he asked if he could donate that money to charity, she denied that request and set a court date of December 10.

After leaving court, I took Ian to the Police Station so that he could reclaim his property (cell phone and camera) that was being held as evidence. The Police Chief returned his property to him, only after Ian emailed copies of the audio files from his phone and make copies of the video on his camera. Ian gladly complied in order to reclaim his phone and camera.

Ian must now prepare for yet another trial and return to Palmer, Massachusetts on December 10 to fight this unjust charge of “contempt of cop.”

Ademo is Free(r)

Posted this morning to CopBlock’s facebook page:

I was released from HCDOC, aka Valley Street Jail, at 5 am this morning. It was in a rush to avoid, IMO, a documentary crew who wanted to film me. Either way its nice to be free(r) and I wanted to thank everyone who supported me while I was in a cage. Thanks again.


Though his period in a cell is over, appeals are still moving forward to reverse the baseless ‘wiretapping’ felony convictions.

PS – The ‘House of Corrections’ failed miserably.

Second Wiretapped Educrat Suspended from West High

Jason Talley reports from

On Thursday MaryEllen McGorry was suspended from her duties as the principal of Manchester High School West. Now the Union Leader is reporting that her secretary, Denise Michael, has also been suspended and is under investigation. That is all the information that school superintendent Tom Brennan is willing to release to the public at the moment, according to the UL:

MANCHESTER — The secretary of suspended Manchester High School West principal MaryEllen McGorry has been placed on administrative leave, Superintendent Tom Brennan said.

Denise Michael will be on paid leave until an investigation is completed, Brennan said.

He would not give reasons nor say whether the suspension has anything to do with McGorry’s suspension, which took place last week.

Brennan said Julie Moore of Employment Practices Group is handling the investigation into the McGorry matter. Her rate is $250 an hour. (more…)

Wiretapped Manchester Principal Suspended Without Explanation

Maryellen McGorry, principal of Manchester West High School, was suspended some time last week. The story was broken earlier today by the Union Leader, which provided no explanation for the former prosecutor turned administrator’s sudden suspension. The UL quotes Manchester mayor Ted Gatsas, who publicly announced the penalty. McGorry has been the principal at West since 2007. Jason Talley is keeping tabs on the latest developments over at Free Concord readers may recognize Maryellen McGorry from her role as a witness for the prosecution in prosecutor Michael Valentine’s theatrical performance State v Adam Mueller.

Oct 1 2012: Another speculative article by the Union Leader.