Random Poetry Time – part 2

The root

by James B Schlessinger Jr.

You go along to get along
And when everything goes wrong
You only seek to prolong
The same old song

If change is going to happen
It is going to require action
Not more of this distraction
As a dead horse is beaten

The market will correct
When the malinvestment is put in check
The Fed must be closed
Or the economy is hosed

The money is the problem
Because you didn’t follow the Maxim
The printing presses rolled
When we should be using gold

“Freedom™” isn’t Liberty

“Freedom™” isn’t Liberty

by James B Schlessinger Jr.

Tyranny of the many for the good of a few
It has been around for a while, this is not new
All with good intentions and charity
But why do you have point a gun at me?

Wire taps and no fly lists
Rights wane, they must persist!
Through it all the chant of fear
Jackals snarl, they draw near

Venal news suffocates reason
While public servants commit treason
Money brokers fleece the flock
Ethics morals they do mock


Change is coming

So I wrote a little poem for my signature at the Free Keene Forum and it just sort of snowballed into something bigger.  Here it is:


by James B Schlessinger Jr.

Change is coming
Change is near
People happy
Filled with cheer

With blinded eyes
They call for mama
Buying the myth
Savior Obama

Spend to save us
Spend to grave us
The empire falls
When the lender calls
