“Freedom™” isn’t Liberty

“Freedom™” isn’t Liberty

by James B Schlessinger Jr.

Tyranny of the many for the good of a few
It has been around for a while, this is not new
All with good intentions and charity
But why do you have point a gun at me?

Wire taps and no fly lists
Rights wane, they must persist!
Through it all the chant of fear
Jackals snarl, they draw near

Venal news suffocates reason
While public servants commit treason
Money brokers fleece the flock
Ethics morals they do mock

The free market has been hijacked
By dirty dealers and men in black
Treaties and taxes shackle our craft
And more regulation they do draft

The war on drugs has claimed many lives
Booming the business of prison hives
The hardest hit is the black man
In this war we fight Americans

The State it grows by leaps and bounds
A tree with roots deep underground
You see the branches and start to fear
A root pops out, sticks you in the rear

This imaginary friend you thought you had
Just busted in and arrested your Dad
They came to the wrong house you hear
The system is slow, he serves three years

The crimes without victims cost the most
When was the last time you hurt a ghost?
So many laws just to manage out behavior
Isn’t that the job of the Words of our Savior?

The time for dissent is still at hand
To spare the blood of a foreign land
We must question we must learn
Or soon the Contract will burn

I leave you now with one final thought
If you think you are free – guess what?
You’re not.

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