Freedom Song Sing-Along
1) Record yourself singing.
2) Upload it as a video response.
1) Record yourself singing.
2) Upload it as a video response.
Video from the Shire Choir‘s visit to Keene city councilor Dale Pregent’s home, plus a recap of his consistent rudeness to anyone he considers part of the liberty-oriented media:
The cheshire county superior courthouse was the scene of two arrests early yesterday. A third arrest took place down the street from the courthouse after deputies followed Derrick J to his car to arrest him for trespassing, for having gotten too close to the building. This occurred some time after a comical and inspiring foot pursuit Derrick led deputies on as he inched farther away from their approach.
Miami journalist Carlos Miller was in the area following the NH Liberty Forum. He visited Keene on Monday to survey the status of right to record issues plaguing courts in the southwest portion of the state. For a while, a camera ban had been enforced in Keene courthouses but surprisingly today, bailiffs allowed Ademo Freeman through security with a video camera. (more…)
Here’s a PDF of a trifold that Henry Acton has created to remind folks of why we need a BEARCAT in Keene.
Five minutes prior to the start of the Keene city council meeting on 2/16, activists stood to sing “Thanks but no Tanks” to the tune of Three Dog Night’s “Joy to the World”. Thankfully, no one was threatened with arrest. The vote on the BEARCAT attack tank was put off until the 3/1 meeting.
Henry Acton of Keene emailed FK via news at with this essay on why you should support the BEARCAT:
Hello my fellow New Hampsters!
I’ve been reading with great interest the debate about the LENCO Bearcat Armored Personnel Carrier. I have decided to support Keene obtaining this fine piece of military hardware. This might surprise some of those of you who know me so I thought I would explain why.
There are two main sets of arguments as to why Keene needs such a beast of a vehicle. (more…)