Liberty Lobby – Week 6 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I went to the state house last week to testify on more legislation. It was a short week, however, and I only have two videos to share, but they are long hearings:

HB 82 would ensure that hair braiders can work without fear of arrest for operating without a license. Nearly everyone who spoke in this 90-minute hearing spoke in favor of the bill, all except for one lady – who just so happens to work for a beauty school – the very industry that most benefits from the cosmetology licensing scam. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 585 seeks to stop cities and towns in NH from flouridating their water supply. The do-gooders came out to oppose the bill and representative Dick Marple and I came out to support it. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 5 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and I once again dropped in on a bunch of hearings at the state house legislative offices. Here are multiple videos of full and partial hearings:

HB 634 would repeal the 24% “penalty assessment” on criminal court fines. This would be a big help to the victims of the court system. I testified in favor. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 622 would allow all NH voters to opt into an absentee ballott. Darryl W Perry, Liberty Lobbyist, spoke in favor. This is a partial hearing video: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 4 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and his fellow libertarian activists once again drop in on a bunch of hearings at the state house legislative offices. Here are multiple videos of full and partial hearings and some clips:

HB 613 would reform the solitary confinement system in jails and prisons in New Hampshire. There’s some incredibly moving testimony during this full-length hearing video:

HB 562 – NH liberty legislators propose exempting internet gambling from gambling prohibitions. This video is a partial hearing: (more…)

Liberty Lobby – Week 3 – Videos

Liberty Lobbyist Darryl W Perry and his fellow libertarian activists once again drop in on a bunch of hearings at the state house legislative offices. Here are multiple videos of full hearings and a bunch of clips:

HB 436 would carve out an exemption for bitcoin and other virtual currency users from the money transmitter regulations, but there are some problems. Here’s the full hearing video:

HB 377 would give the state a monopoly on selling cannabis (the liquor commission), should it be legalized. Here’s the full hearing video: (more…)

NH’s Liberty Lobby – Week 2 – State House Testimony Videos

Liberty Lobby‘s Darryl W Perry and other libertarians converged once again on the New Hampshire state house and legislative offices last week for more testimony on various bills. Here are some video highlights as well as full hearings:

First up, liberty democrat Elizabeth Edwards’ HB 287 would merely create a study committee to look at decriminalization of prostitution, but NH police and prosecutors packed a two-hour hearing to plead with the house criminal justice committee to stay ignorant and reject even STUDYING the issue! Luckily, there were some stalwart advocates of freedom also in attendance who spoke in favor of the legislators having more information, not less. Here’s the full hearing video:


NH’s Liberty Lobby – Week 1 – State House Testimony Videos

After years of testifying for liberty at the New Hampshire state house on his own dime, Free Keene blogger Darryl W Perry launched Liberty Lobby LLC last year to accept financial support from others for his mission. This year, Liberty Lobby has kicked off it’s state house testimony season, with Darryl appearing at multiple hearings and delivering a principled message of liberty to the state representatives, every issue, every time.

Here are videos of Darryl and other libertarians testifying before various committees on different bills in Week #1 of the Liberty Lobby series:

HB 249 – Repealing the prohibition on “Ballot Selfies”:
