Rebel Love Crew playing catch up from Porcfest

Its been a busy exciting past month for the Rebel Love Crew.  Below are the last four episodes in video and podcast form for you enjoyment.  Pre, during, and post Porcfest epsiodes.  There is also a lot more content on the way soon.  Special content from Porcfest, Operation Arcadia, and the DUI check point party in Manchester will be released soon too.

Episode 12: Porcfest Eve with Theresa Eudaimonia


Episode 13: Recorded at Porcfest with Ian Freeman (more…)

Neutralizing Police Checkpoints in Manchester

Last night there was a DUI checkpoint in Manchester, NH. Some activists caught wind about the event and created signs to warn drivers to divert their paths. Dozens of activists participated, and probably hundreds of drivers were saved from unwanted interactions with police. Some people handed out “Know Your Rights” cards to passers-by on the street. I took video throughout the night to document this effective activism. One of the highlights of my night was rolling through the traffic stop with James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland. The checkpoint begins 5 minutes into the video. Here’s how it went:


AKPF #1: Ralstonians

akpfbadge_surveillanceThis week’s adventurous installment of AKPF #1 features historical documentation of presentations delivered in years past, combined with modern declarations straight from the source of the content in Keene, NH. Enjoy this creative imagining of artistic qualities courtesy of the Aqua Keene Parking Force.

Manchester Activists Continue Jury Nullification Outreach

10410096_298255033682853_3078734082147211273_nOn the morning of  June 16th, 2014 myself and fellow Free Keene blogger Joel Valenzuela were accompanied by activists Angela Aronoff, Nicholas Buroker, and new Free State Project mover Andrew Vermiglio at the Hillsborough County Superior 10448210_298250733683283_7905153735992598897_nCourt House located in down town Manchester NH.  We arrived at the court house to warmly great jurors as they approached the building.  As they approached, we were handing out pamphlets to jurors.  The pamphlets inform the jurors of their rights as a juror.  The emphasis being that a jury can vote not guilty if the law is unjust.  Jury nullification outreach has been consistent every jury selection at this court house since March of this year.  Hopefully other activists around the state will do the same at other court houses.

Rebel Love Show Episode 11

The self proclaimed Garret Ean of Manchester, new mover Andrew Vermiglio aka Shire Dude joins us in studio to talk about his journey from California, the liberty culture of NH, Porcfest, agorism in Manchester, how public we are about our beliefs, plus Rob and Joel debate what minarchists really are.