Candidates Debate in NH’s First-Ever Contested Libertarian Gubernatorial Primary

This weekend the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire held a second convention which was mostly for boring party “business” where people debated various changes to bylaws and such. However, besides an excellent lunch speech by talk show host Dan Fishman, the real highlight of the convention was the gubernatorial debate between Aaron Day and Jilletta Jarvis.

2018 is a historic year for the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. Not only do we have full ballot access on par with the Republicans and Democrats, but we for the first time ever actually have TWO libertarians running in a contested primary for governor!

Here’s the full debate between the two candidates vying for the libertarian nomination this September at the primary:

Immigration Checkpoint Know-Your-Rights Presentation by ACLU-NH

Gilles Bissonnette, the head attorney for the New Hampshire ACLU gave an excellent presentation to a packed room in Concord, NH this week. He talked about what CPB (Customs and Border Patrol) internal checkpoints are legally allowed to do, how far out of bounds they’ve been going, and what you can do when you’re there to non-cooperate. He fielded many questions from an engaged and interested audience. Here’s full video of the presentation:

Announcing the Charity “Help ICE Kick the Bucket Challenge” Benefiting Pro-Immigration Organizations

Redneck Muslim Imam Will Coley and his co-host Aria DiMezzo of daily libertarian talk show “The Call to Freedom” announce the new “Help ICE Kick the Bucket Challenge” to benefit pro-immigration organizations like the ACLU, CATO, the Libertarian Party, Detention Watch Network, Immigrant Defense Project, National Immigration Law Center, United We Dream, and the Refugee Right Coalition. Here’s a combo of two videos originally streamed earlier today in front of the LRN.FM studio in Keene:

Want more video of Will and Aria? Watch Call to Freedom every day from 4-7pm on LRN.FM’s Twitch Channel!

State Prosecutes, Convicts NH Cop Blocker for Harboring “Illegal”

Think you have a right to privacy? Think again. These bureaucrats think they own your dog and will prosecute you over a $4 dog license in New Hampshire to prove it. Cop Blockers Michael and Angie Gordon of Alstead took a ticket for an “illegal” unlicensed dog to Keene District Court. They lost, but made the bureaucrats work to get their coerced money. Kudos to them for standing up against the oppressive police state where not even dogs are safe from state regulation. Here’s the full video:

Video: Conan on Trial for Uninspected Vehicle

Vehicle inspection is nothing more than a racket for auto shops being operated by the people calling themselves the “State of New Hampshire”. As Free Keene blogger Conan Salada points out during his testimony at trial this week, the auto repair shop he went to gave him quotes for what Conan determined were unnecessary repairs in order to pass the vehicle inspection. This happens to people all the time and allows unscrupulous auto repair shops to take advantage of ignorant drivers.

But wait, don’t we need mandatory yearly inspections to keep cars as safe as possible on the roads? Actually, no. Not all really cold states have mandatory vehicle inspections and there’s no evidence those states’ roads are any more dangerous. Turns out, the market handles safety just fine.

Meanwhile, the crime gang known as the State of New Hampshire continues to prosecute and convict people for taking care of their cars how they want. Here’s the full trial video from this week in Keene District Court. Conan is ultimately found guilty and sentenced to a little community service:

NH Libertarian Senate Candidate Answers Questionnaire on Gun Freedoms

When I ran for governor in 2016, the NHFC gave me an A.

When I ran for governor in 2016, the NHFC gave me an A.

As the Libertarian candidate for NH Senate district 10, I’ve begun posting my answers to the various questionnaires I receive from interest groups. Here’s the four-page questionnaire I received from the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition.

This one was easy. Libertarians are always in favor of individual rights, in this case the right of self-defense and the defense of others. Given that libertarians are against aggressive force, they support the use of defensive force as a way to stop aggressors. No one should have to ask permission to defend themselves or own whatever they feel is necessary to defend themselves. That includes felons who should have their gun rights restored.

You can see my answers to the questionnaire from the New Hampshire Firearms Coalition here.