New Mover David Jurist’s Arraignment for Driving on Suspended License

David Jurist moved to Keene from Arkansas back in September and a month later was already in handcuffs in Hillsborough, NH for the dastardly crime of driving safely without a government permission slip. After receiving personal recognizance bail, he was released and other Keene activists made the trip to Hillsborough to pick him and his car up.

David is a freedom to travel activist and has studied many unusual courtroom approaches. For years I’ve encouraged people who want to try unique approaches to court cases to move to the Keene area so we can document them on video. (Many states do not allow recording in court, so it’s impossible for the court theorists to prove their techniques actually work.) So, I was excited to see him question the judge Edward B. Tenney during his arraignment this week at Hillsborough District Court.

Here’s the video:


State Rep Amanda Bouldin Snitches on Fellow Libertarians, Kyle Tasker

State Rep Amanda Bouldin, UBER Customer

State Representative Amanda Bouldin, Founder of Shire Sharing and “Liberty” Snitch

Free State Project early mover and now State Representative Amanda Bouldin has done a lot of good in her activist career. She created Shire Sharing, which for years, has fed hundreds of families in New Hampshire over the Thanksgiving holiday. She also created the Narcan bill that has helped save lives of opiate addicts across New Hampshire.

However, like many politicians, it turns out she’s a coward… and worse, a snitch.

You never know who is going to break under the pressure of the state. It could be your lover, your brother, or your “friend”. However, one might expect more from a libertarian, who should know better. One would be wrong.

In this case, the NH Attorney General’s office released an audio recording of Bouldin being interviewed by their agents. She consented to the interview after being given a “proffer letter’, which presumably offered her immunity for some minor possession charge if she’d testify against State Representative Kyle Tasker, the state house cannabis dealer arrested for victimless crimes earlier this year.

State Representative Kyle Tasker Faces 60 Years for Victimless Crimes

State Representative Kyle Tasker Faces 60 Years for Victimless Crimes

In the over hour-long interview (click for redacted PDF transcript) she throws Kyle, whom she describes as her “friend” under the bus and reveals much of what she knows about his cannabis-dealing business. She also gossips about various state reps, claiming Libertarian candidate for Governor Max Abramson is the most hated in the state house.

She rolls on fellow liberty state rep Pam Tucker, claiming that Kyle named her as one of the state reps he’d sold cannabis to, in addition to an unnamed elderly rep in the state house parking garage.

After talking about how she was his “friend” and wanted to help him she says this about Kyle:

“He seemed like he was trying to be more legitimate than it deserved to be. Is what I remember thinking about it. That he. Um. He seems to derive some. Um. For sense of self-worth from doing it. You know what I mean? Like, he felt important. And. He also felt, um, invincible. Like, um, when he was using his vape in the State House, they said – you can’t do that in here; you’re going to get in trouble. And, he showed me, like, on-line, um, like, on his IPad, or something, ah, the law. It apparently says that the State House is, like, this bubble of immunity. I don’t know. So. I was, like, okay. It’s not? So, Seth thinks that Kyle is really stupid. “

During the lengthy and revealing interview, the full audio of which is available on the NH1 site, she goes on in a moment of lucidity to tell the interrogators: (more…)

WMUR-TV’s Amy Coveno Assaults Independent Reporter on Video

Dave Ridley of was outside a primary voting location in Bedford where he encountered slimeball mayor of Manchester Ted Gatsas being interviewed by WMUR-TV reporter Amy Coveno. Ridley at one point steps into the shot of the WMUR camera and Coveno responds by nervously shifting her position before actually physically assaulting Dave by grabbing his camera.

As she does it, she says “Hey, you’re distracting me from my job, thanks.”, then lets go. As though him being a distraction in a public place gives her the right to commit assault against him. Here’s the video evidence:

The real shame is that you’d think reporters would respect and understand the freedom of the press, but clearly Ms. Coveno believes there are a special set of rules that apply to mainstream media. And, she’s probably right. WMUR-TV is licensed by the FCC and that licensing scheme keeps out potential competitors from the marketplace. WMUR is literally paying a criminal gang for protection. (more…)

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November, 2016

As thousands are gathering in the streets in London around the world for the “Million Mask March“, donning Guy Fawkes masks (popularized by the excellent movie, “V for Vendetta”), it’s important to remember that Guy Fawkes was not a hero. Fawkes was willing to commit violence against people to forward his cause. While many libertarians may feel the government deserves violence in response to their violent, depraved acts, here at the Free Keene blog, we’re committed to peaceful evolution.

Violence may appear to work in the short-term, but ultimately all it does is justify the ever-increasing police state in the minds of the state actors and their supporters. Violence also brings you down to the level of the state – that’s the tool they use. We should not want to be like them. There are a myriad of peaceful solutions to moving liberty ahead in our lifetime – the most powerful of which is to concentrate liberty-minded activists in one geographic area – New Hampshire. Another major solution is to end New Hampshire’s involvement in the federal government.

To that end, for the fourth time in about a month, V-mask wearing activists gathered in Keene’s Central Square to demonstrate in favor of New Hampshire declaring peaceful independence from the United States. Normally our response from drivers and passers-by is very positive, but today people were even more excited and interested. We had at least a dozen people take photos of us from their cars or while walking around, plus one guy from Massachusetts even parked and came up to shoot video of us. People in New Hampshire love the idea of independence and setting NH free from the evil United States federal government!

Let’s keep the conversation going. If you’re new to secession, check out some of the info from the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence to learn more about why it’s the best idea for a bright, prosperous, and free future.

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Nov 5th NHExit

Keene Activists in Central Square November 5th for Secession

Hardcore NHExiters Face Rain, Cold at Masked Demonstration in Keene

NH Exit Demonstration 2016-10-22

Rain and cold didn’t keep these hardcore activists from coming out to support NH Exit!

Despite temperatures in the mid-forties and constant rain, over half-a-dozen supporters of New Hampshire independence showed up in Keene’s Central Square this afternoon to demonstrate in favor of secession!

The NH Exiters have been in the news multiple times since this summer’s historic “Brexit” vote, where voters in Great Britain voted to exit the European Union. Today’s event in Keene featured all-masked participants holding various secession-related signage.

One masked man took the event to a new level with a double flag display featuring the NH state flag on top of an upside-down United States flag. While one woman shouted at us something about “people died for you” out her window, the supermajority of responses to today’s demonstration were positive. We received plenty of honks, cheers, and waves and of course people in cars and on foot had to take pictures, including an amateur photographer from Chicago who was very excited to see people out supporting secession. (more…)