Olympic Hysteria
Cracked.com’s 5 Creepy Things London Did to Prepare for the Olympics
Rule Britannia’s Vice Guide to the Olympics
Cracked.com’s 5 Creepy Things London Did to Prepare for the Olympics
Rule Britannia’s Vice Guide to the Olympics
From freeconcord.org:
In a post yesterday, Ademo Freeman’s current situation was reported as he awaits trial on felony wiretapping charges. Sitting in Valley Street jail on ‘resisting’ charges for going limp during a chalking arrest, his final pretrial hearing was cancelled and rescheduled two days later. Yesterday’s post has the video of the hearing, just released today is this video of the chalking that went on outside of the jail on July 25 immediately after the hearing was cancelled on Wednesday.
Ademo was able to see the chalkings left on the sidewalk of Valley Street from his cell window, but as a consequence of the peaceful gathering outside, the cell block in view of the sidewalk was locked down and Ademo was relocated to another area of the jail.
Radley Balko, HuffPo journalist and chief of The Agitator blog reports on the increasing corporate media focus around a “war on cops”. 2012 is shaping up to be one of the safest years for law enforcement since 1944; a much different time for policing in the US.
A few other media outlets are now picking up on the massive drop in police fatality statistics this year (Welcome to the story!) But so far, none of them have questioned what happened to all of those alleged trends (gun ownership, increasing contempt for cops, videotaping of police misconduct, anti-government sentiment, decreases in funding for police departments) that they all reported were behind the non-existent “war on cops” they were all reporting last year. Or in the case of the New York Times, as recently as April.
If we use the numbers from the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, there are 800,000 cops on the streets. There have been 53 on-the -job fatalities so far this year. But 21 of those were car accidents. There have been 19 firearms homicides against police. I looked through the descriptions of this year’s officer deaths at the NLEMF page. Two of the fatalities were from firearms injuries sustained in previous years (in one case, 30 years ago). That puts us at 17 for this year. I then looked through the 13 deaths classified as “other.” Four of those appear to have been homicides—three stabbings, and one officer who died from a blot clot resulting from an altercation with an inmate. So let’s add those to our 17. That gives us 21 homicides in the first half of 2012 (I’ll go ahead and count the two officers killed during SWAT-like drug raids, even though it’s possible the tactics themselves may have contributed to the officers’ deaths).
By my math, that gives us a homicide rate of 5.25 (more…)
It was a strange morning at the Keene Activist Center on Thursday, June 14, when Fred Parsells, Gary Lafreniere, and a slick videographer named John walked their unwelcome way into the private residence. With a warrant for a dubious inspection, and asking vague questions about tenants from years past, the uncomfortable fire captain and the ever-mcgruff housing inspector creeped their way around the house. Looking for smoke detectors, they awoke the sleeping Darryl, who was ignored thereafter when he requested an explanation and apology for why he was woken up. Darryl works a late shift and has a long commute, so his sleep cycle began earlier that morning, and he had to go to work later that day. He has since filed suit against the bureaucratic interrupters of his rest.
Here is the video of the Keene city bureaucrats invading the KAC, with the assistance of the Toilet Safety Administration, a homeland security program with offices in South Park, Colorado. Original raid video w/out TSA (youtube).
From freeconcord.org:
Riot police responded to the scene of a Chalk Walk celebration in Los Angeles last evening and forcibly disbursed a crowd. Unfortunately, some in the crowd responded to the police’s violence in kind, escalating the situation, and motivating the better armed aggressors to deploy rubber bullets and batons on civilians. Seventeen people were arrested in total, nine for chalking (including a juvenile), two for failure to disperse, one for receiving stolen property, two for simply resisting arrest, and three for assaulting a police officer. Two of those charged with assaulting the police also received the subtitle ‘with a deadly weapon’. One officer was reportedly given a minor concussion by a bottle smashing against her helmet.
The chalking protest itself was a response to the arrest of twelve Occupy LA chalkers over the past four weeks in the United States’ second largest city. Organizers of the Chalk Walk scheduled the event to coincide with the annual Art Walk occurring simultaneously nearby. Free chalk was made available to those who cared to participate.
Journalist Nancy Casanova tweeted this picture of the night’s violence kicking off. (more…)
From freeconcord.org:
While many porcupines were occupied in the northern nether-reaches of the state at the 2012 Porcupine Freedom Festival, the collective trial of the five arrested and over a dozen cited for curfew violations at the eviction of the Occupy New Hampshire encampment occured in Manchester on June 22. Like the Chalking 8 trials, there is no ruling at this point as Judge William Lyons issued homework to the defense and prosecution requesting essays in support of their respective positions. Arnie Alpert, who was present for the eviction as well as the trial reports from his blog, Inzane Times. Readers of Free Concord may recognize some familiar faces among the photos published on the Inzane Times blog.