FK’s Freeman Challenges Hassan in Democratic Primary

Ian Freeman Rainbow HatHere’s a press release I’m sending this morning to NH media:

As of Thursday morning, nationally syndicated talk show host Ian Freeman has thrown his hat into the ring for governor of NH in a primary challenge to incumbent Maggie Hassan. In addition to being a registered democrat, Freeman is a co-chair of the New Hampshire Liberty Party. Freeman openly challenges Hassan on her inhumane continuation of the insane “War on Drugs”, especially the war on cannabis users. On Freeman’s campaign info page, he states,

If Maggie were a true democrat, she’d care about the little guy, but yet her state police continue to put the little guy behind bars for victimless crimes like cannabis possession. As governor, I’ll pardon all victimless criminals as one of my first acts.

Freeman also supports NH seceding from the United States as well as equal ballot access for all candidates. Regarding Freeman’s positions on other issues, please see the NH Liberty Party platform. Or, contact the candidate directly with any questions or media requests at 603-513-2449 or ian at

Who pays for Keene’s downtown parking?

Rome BurnsIt’s budget time and of course it’s going up again.  Just like last year.  And the year before.  Surprisingly, the Parking Fund is going down $200,000 even though the city collected $80,000 less than it had planned on (no doubt thanks to Robin Hood and his merry misfits). Some have been quick to applaud the city bureaucrats in this reduction, but wait.  The TIF tax portion went up $200,000.  What the hell is a TIF tax?  If all you saw was “tax” and you already knew it was something bad, then you would be correct.  Here is a brief explanation in my LTE to the Keene Sentinel:

 Tax Increment Financing is not “free money”

Who pays for Keene’s downtown parking?

If you were to ask city management, they would tell you it’s paid for through rentals, fees and fines. If you then asked them if the taxpayers paid into the parking fund as well, they would most likely tell you “no.”

This is a flat-out mistruth. Let me explain. This year, $1 million (47 percent) of the $2.2 million proposed parking budget will come from the city’s Tax Increment Finance (TIF) tax pool. This is a huge increase from $840,000 (34 percent) last year.

The TIF tax pool is generated from Keene’s two developmental districts and the revenue collected can only be spent in those districts. It cannot be spent elsewhere. The idea is the money will be put aside and used to improve the assessed value of these properties and therefore increase the potential tax revenue over time because, according to social engineer Mayor Lane, development in these areas would never happen unless they had a little help from the taxpayers. This is a ridiculous notion.

One of the biggest problems with TIF is how the money is spent. Right now, almost half of Keene’s TIF revenue goes to the parking fund. The other half is spent mostly on principal and interest. We’re talking about $2.4 million that could be going directly to the general fund to pay for city services, which would ultimately help lower the already unsustainable tax rate.

But instead it gets spent on snow removal.


City Councilor Wants to Ban Hopscotch – Seriously.

Hopscotch PreservationKeene city councilor Randy Filiault is proposing a prohibition on all chalking downtown at tonight’s 6pm committee meeting at city hall.  He actually says he wants to stop kids from playing hopscotch downtown, at about five minutes into his interview with WKBK’s Dan Mitchell this morning,

“What about the kids that want to play hopscotch?… If they want to play hopscotch, they’re more than welcome to in their own yards and their own neighborhoods, just not, they’re not going to chalk up city streets downtown.”

If the city council is foolish enough to pass such an ordinance, they better get ready to pay thousands more taxpayer dollars to defend their attack on the freedom of speech in court!  I bet the NH ACLU and the Hopscotch Keene Preservation Society will be very interested in bringing a case.


With this week’s timeslot for the AKPF #1 program hijacked by opposition forces, themountains_06sfk1 Cheshire TV audience is subjected currently to a dissenting video production known as The STOP FREE KEENE!!! Show. Featuring some new content and a variety of older Free Keene and assorted videos with disclaimers and warnings attached, this new show marks new territory for the opposition to Free Keene group and the affiliated co-chapter, Monadnock Community Coalition Corporation.

City of Keene goes to war with CheshireTV

Keene’s very own Public access television station, Cheshire TV, which hosts a wide array of local programs such as Black Sheep Rising , AKPF#1, and others has come under attack by city officials.  CTV, which operates partly off of franchise fees collected from cable provider Time Warner has recently adopted a new program in which it will begin charging an operating fee to any producers requiring assistance with their programs.  Subsequently, programs produced by city bureaucrats, Kendall Lane, Chris Coats and Kris Roberts who have refused to pay the fee, have ceased production.  Having co-produce 34 episodes of ShireTV, I can tell you airing a simple half hour television program in studio requires a crew to operate and hours of setup and tear-down.  I am not at all surprised that station manager, Lee Perkins, came to this decision. This move by CTV may also be in part due to the City of Keene confiscating 9% of the franchise fee for its own use.  Ongoing attempts by CTV to claim this portion have been rejected by city management.

Now in retaliation city mayor Kendal Lane in an interview on WKBK has hinted the city may keep all the franchise revenue and hire their “own people” to cover city council meeting and such.  Cheshire TV would be left to fend for itself.  I have no doubt the newly created department would also cover shows produced by city officials and friends, because that’s how the cronies roll.