Court Hears Arguments in Activists vs School Board Case

John C. Kissinger Jr.A decision is expected likely next week from today’s emergency hearing at Cheshire superior court on liberty activists’ suit against the Keene school board for their allegedly illegal actions at this year’s deliberative session. The Keene Sentinel’s Kaitlyn Mulhere reports:

A judge has taken under advisement a request by four residents to find actions that took place at the Keene School District deliberative session were illegal.

Conan Salada, Darryl W. Perry, David Crawford and Eric LaRoche filed a petition against the school district last week, saying that the amendments voters approved at the session completely void their seven petition articles. (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 41

This week:  Stinky perfume – Squeegeeing the babies – Christmas and religion in NH – Vigil for slain ducks – Ostracism in the free state – “Conan take down your anarchy flag” – “Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”  – Guberment school: Crime of the century – How long can you last?  Rapsher, Katie, and the elusive Mat Roach join the madness.  Show notes at:

Nashua Vigil for Slain Ducks Receives Statewide Coverage

nashua_ducksderrickgarretA candlelight vigil held two months following the deaths of five ducks at Nashua’s Crown Plaza Hotel was attended by approximately 15 mourners and celebrants of the lives of the deceased waterfowl. Broadcast media was standing by with local newspaper correspondents snapping photos and jotting notes, as others videotaped the ceremony from multiple angles. The following day, original stories appeared in the Nashua Telegraph and Manchester’s Union Leader, with a reprint of the Telegraph story appearing in the Keene Sentinel. Each article highlighted the eulogies delivered during the public ceremony, and described the scene as participants sang Amazing Grace and marched to place candles near the scene of the bloodshed. In the syndicated coverage from the Concord-NH-Patch, videos from four different angles are linked from Fr33manTVraw.


Free Staters Attacked By Political Establishment in Bedford

1904001_10100608387952474_1653217756_n[1]Local politicos in Bedford are on the attack against two participants in the Free State Project who are running for local office. Aaron Day is running for school board and Matt Philips is running for town council. Local pro-state group, “Taxpayers for Quality Education”, sent out a hitpiece email which claims (pic1, pic2),

“The school budget, which does increase, is coming under attack, including by outside interests who have moved into our town with the express intent of taking over our local government.”

“…Aaron Day is a high ranking member of the Free State Project. . .send a message to Mr. Day and the Free Staters that they picked the wrong state.”

Plus, a former town councilor has targeted the duo and the FSP as a whole in his cable access show:

It’s yet another acknowledgement of how scared the statists are of the Free State Project, even at this early stage in the game. If you love liberty, you really need to get up here and join the fun!

Cody Wilson Explains How IP Laws Target Wiki-Weapons

Cody Wilson has a unique relationship to the intellectual property that he has been developing for the past few years. He has designed three dimensional, printable plastic firearms accessories and essential parts, including rifle lower receivers, extended magazines, and the first functional printed plastic pistol, known as the Liberator. However, intellectual property laws in the United States prevent him from being able to directly share Screenshot-codywilsonnhlfthese designs with the world. While courageous others risk fines or jail time for hosting the schematics independently, the information produced by Defense Distributed is essentially illegal. The reason for this is that the IP laws unique to munitions technology specifically state that all intellectual property related to munitions are deemed to be under the ownership of the US military. As a crypto-anarchist, Cody is interested in neither profiting from nor restricting the sharing of his designs, yet his wishes as the product’s creator are rebuked by federal statute so as to place an artificial limitation on the advancement of the technology. Despite the restrictions and the uses of intellectual property laws to limit the free flow of information and media, Defense Distributed continues to stand for the right of producers to share their created items freely, understanding that ultimately ideas cannot be owned. The above interview was filmed on 22 February 2014 at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Nashua, New Hampshire. (more…)

AKPF #1: Forum Blazing Conference

This week’s AKPF #1, Forum Blazing Conference reflects on a new direction following the NH Liberty Forum of 2014, from which footage will appear in next week’s episode.

0:00 – Cheshire TV disclaimer
0:10 – Huey Newton interviews William F Buckley on the colonist positionakpf_patriotic
5:15 – Irvin Rosenfeld blazes up in the New Hampshire statehouse smoking room in Concord on 12 May 2012
26:45 – Jeffrey Tucker talks to the Russia Today RT about bitcoin and the incarceration of Charlie Shrem
28:50 – End disclaimer