Keene Mayoral Debate 2015

On Sept 22, 2015 the Keene Liberty Alliance hosted a Mayoral Debate between the three candidates who will appear on the October 6 primary election ballot: Rick Blood, Kendall Lane & Kris Roberts.

Moderator, Darryl W. Perry, asked questions submitted by voters and City Council candidates. The debate was aired live on Cheshire TV channels 8 and 10, and will be rebroadcast a few times between now and the election. If you don’t have Time Warner Cable, you can watch the debate on youtube.

101.Deals is Giving Away Hundreds of FREE Items! LIT AT NIGHT!


Come on out anytime – it’s lit at night!

Maybe you’ve already driven by and seen it – it’s not over – it’s bigger than yesterday! Hundreds of FREE items! 101.Deals is remodeling and giving away LOADS of stuff! Furniture, books, toys, kitchen items, too much to list! It’s all out on the curb and it’s FREE! Come by 661 Marlboro St in Keene anytime – it’s LIT AT NIGHT!

Come out and grab as much as you like. We don’t want to have to put it in the dump.

The store is refocusing on ebay, our new Mennonite-built sheds, and bitcoins and is still open regular hours for customers looking for sheds and to use the Northern New England’s only bitcoin vending machine!

Seacoast UBER Driver Openly Committing Civil Disobedience

uber-app[1]Recently, in the supposed live free or die state, Portsmouth basically outlawed ride-sharing service, UBER. Constantly embattled by city governments in nearly every city they expand to, UBER has heroically fought for its drivers, even to the point of covering legal costs for arrests, vehicle impounds, and other legal targeting of their contractors by the government gangs. See, the taxi companies, who are mostly obedient to their state masters, tend to go running to their regulators crying about UBER, whose business model is not the same as a cab company. UBER merely connects drivers to passengers and takes a small cut for making the connections. They aren’t a cab company as traditionally defined. Cab companies generally own and maintain a fleet – UBER has no cars. Its contractor-drivers provide their own vehicle and are responsible for maintaining them.

Despite having proved to the Porstmouth city gang that their cars are insured, UBER has objected to the “draconian” background check requirement and placard requirement in order to legally do business in Portsmouth.

Christopher David is an early mover for the Free State Project living in Dover. He’s been driving for UBER for a few months in Portsmouth and Boston. Today he publicly announced his intention to commit ongoing civil disobedience and continue illegally providing transportation to willing passengers in Portsmouth. He says UBER driving isn’t his primary occupation and until recently he hasn’t been doing it much at all, but that the, “ordinance crap has gotten me pissed off enough to do it anyway”.

Christopher David

Christopher David, Illegal UBER Driver

UBER’s app continues to work in Portsmouth and Christopher reports that his first illegal customer was an older gentleman who was elated to be participating in civil disobedience and had several not-so-nice things to say about Portsmouth city council. In an interview exclusive to Free Keene, Christopher said his user rating is 4.85, which puts him in the top 10% of drivers in the region. He says that because of his excellent rating, “the idea of Portsmouth police chasing me down because the city council thinks they need to protect residents from me is insane”.

Of course, the government does insane, stupid, counterproductive things all the time. This wouldn’t be the first. In fact, the city gang has its sycophants at the taxi companies assisting them as a snitch squad. The cabbies, in an act of slave-on-slave violence, will be monitoring the streets of Portsmouth and ratting out any of the fifty known UBER cars in town. In the Seacoast Online article announcing the snitch squad, Great Bay Taxi owner John Palreiro told the city gang, “All the taxi companies will be writing down license plates and we expect the Police Department to enforce”. Merle White, owner of Anchor Taxi, said in true criminal cartel fashion, “It’s time Uber does it our way, or they get out of the city.” Palreiro told Seacoast Online that all his drivers have the Uber app, so they can see where Uber drivers are located in real time. He said they’ll be taking pictures and calling the police. “We know who they are,” he said. “If the Police Department doesn’t enforce this, I’ll go ballistic.”

If targeted by police, Christopher says he won’t be pleaing out and will go to trial, “I’ll draw it out as long as I can…I don’t see myself admitting guilt to anything.”

It’s great to see civil disobedience spread to the Seacoast! Christopher is currently speaking this weekend at the 2nd annual Freecoast Festival.

Your first UBER ride is free (up to $20) if you click here and sign up.

Official Keenevention 2015 Schedule Announced + Outside Activities

2105 Schedule

Keenevention 2015 Schedule Pic

Here’s the official schedule for Keenevention 2015! As always, events are subject to change – but this schedule should be close to final. If you’ve got google calendar, it’s easy to integrate it with yours.

In addition to the in-hotel panels and keynote speeches, there are a bunch of other things you can do during Keenevention. You can get out of the hotel and explore the Keene area, go to social events like a bonfire and the HALLOWKEENE costume dance party, and even take part in activism like Robin Hooding and Cop Block. Here’s the full list of outside-the-hotel activities.

Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.

Keenevention Now Announcing Full Panels, Twitter Feed

Keenevention Jury Nullification Panel 2015

Keenevention Jury Nullification Panel 2015

Keenevention is just six weeks away now and the Keenevention blog has been busy announcing full panels. First up are the Ladies Panel, Media Panel, and the first-ever Jury Nullification Panel. There are eleven panels and three keynote speakers lined up for 2015, so there are eight more full panel announcements coming!

Since only selected Keenevention updates are shown here at Free Keene, stay tuned to the Keenevention blog (you can sign up for email updates when you go there) so you don’t miss anything. You can also follow the new Keenevention Twitter, Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.

Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.

BREAKING: NH’s Kilton Library to Reactivate TOR Node!


NH Library Approves TOR!

New Hampshire’s Kilton Public Library has been in the tech headlines in the last week after the Department of Homeland Security contacted them and “asked” them to shut down their TOR node. The library was the first to ever operate a TOR node, which stands for The Onion Router – an anonymizing system for internet traffic. Just one month after beginning their TOR operation, the DHS came calling and the library shut down the node until the board of trustees could meet and make a final decision.

Tonight, they decided to turn it back on! It’s a major victory for free speech and anonymity online and it’s also thanks to the dozens of people including Free State Project participants who came out to support TOR at tonight’s meeting.

UPDATE: The decision is being watched by other libraries around the country who will now be empowered to start their own TOR nodes, much to the chagrin of DHS and the federal government gang. According to Free Keene commenter Lee Sussman, Allison Macrina, the director of the Library Freedom Project mentioned tonight that there had already been several libraries that had stepped up and volunteered to join, and that all the recent press surrounding the situation at Kilton had prompted at least a dozen more to contact her!

Thanks, Kilton Library, for standing up for freedom of information!

Victimless Crime Spree Celebrates its Third Anniversary!


Celebrating three years of DJVCS!

Three years ago today (9/15) was the theatrical début of Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree! The feature-length documentary shot mostly in Keene originally came out on YouTube on July 30th, 2012, but the theatrical début is more memorable. The movie’s posters commemorate that date.

Since 2012, the original theatrical version has been seen more than 170,000 times on YouTube and the Director’s Cut DVD has sold hundreds of copies.  It’s available for purchase at Amazon and Wal-Mart for under $10.

Derrick’s courage has set the example for countless people and has inspired multiple people to move to New Hampshire as part of the Free State Project.  Any FSP event we attend, it’s almost a guarantee Derrick and/or I will be approached and thanked for making the movie.  Of course, it wouldn’t have been possible without the editing talents of Beau Davis, who has gone on to launch his own media management and production house, Vibrant.Works.

What an honor it has been to produce this amazing documentary film. How are you celebrating the third anniversary of DJVCS? I suggest a screening for friends, family, or even the public!