Cop Block’s Chalk the Police 2015 – Keene

Liberty activists in Keene participated in Cop Block‘s Chalk the Police 2015 and hit multiple locations, including Central Square, State Police Troop C Barracks, and Keene Police Department. At KPD an interesting 30 minute conversation ensued with officer Kyle Macie where Chris Cantwell, Ian Freeman, and JP Freeman discussed various issues.

Here’s the video:

Recent court activism in Manchester

Earlier today on July 16th 2015, I went to my court date at the 9th Circuit District Division Courthouse in Manchester NH for my trial over a traffic ticket. Accompanying me to record my trial was Renee Kate of the Seditious Sirens with camera and press badge in hand. When we entered the courthouse, we had to pass security. Security attempted to give Renee a hard time about recording in court. Both of us replied that we are recognized by the court and the State of New Hampshire as press and continued to proceed to the court room. The two of us sat down in the court room and witnessed two people take a plea deal from the court. After watching the court threatening violence against people, one of the court clerks walked up to us, called me by name, and informed me my case was Nolle Prossed by the prosecutor. The prosecutor of the case decided to throw out their case against me in regards to the ticket I was fighting. My objective was to petition the court to allow me to donate my time to a private charity instead of the state receiving funds received_464226037085751from me. I attempted this in the pretrial as well but was given a non guilty plea instead. A point I had planned to bring up during the trial as well. We did find it interesting that they knew who I was and didn’t need to call my name out to find me.

The other reason I have been fighting traffic and parking tickets as of late was for practice. Unfortunately, living as freely as I do here in the Shire, being kidnapped by the state is a possibility. I viewed this trial as a court room workshop. Worst case scenario they would take the $110 from me but I would not be in a cage. I walked away with a couple of important lessons. Don’t take a plea is a great strategy in an attempt to win a case. How else would get a case thrown out if you do not fight it?  When possible, take a case to trial.  Also, do yourself a favor by grabbing a friend, printing a press badge, and bring a camera to your court date. The camera and press badge did not see use today but I am certain had I not had those two things, the outcome of today would not have been in my favor.

The Old School Panel Returns to Keenevention 2015, With Host Denis Goddard

Denis GoddardThe Old School panel is back for Keenevention 2015! Free State Project early mover Denis Goddard has lived in New Hampshire since 2005 and has been heavily involved in the political scene. He served as Selectman in his town, is Emeritus Director of Research for the New Hampshire Liberty Alliance, and hosted a cable access show in Concord for years. He and his panel of experienced New Hampshire activists will share their perspectives on how we got to where we are on this year’s Old School Panel.  Panelists to be announced.

Keenevention is Hallowkeene weekend, October 30th through November 1st. Tickets for the third-annual Keenevention are just $60 or BTC for the whole weekend, including the Hallowkeene costume dance party! Pre-event ticketing is limited to 100, so lock yours in now.

Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog for more announcements, including more panels and another keynote speaker. You can also follow Keenevention’s facebook page and join the official facebook event here.

Jared Goodell Interviews Free Keene Blogger on WKBK

Independent local newsman Jared Goodell has become the default fill-in personality for Dan Mitchell, the morning show host on longtime local talk station WKBK. On one of his recent fill-ins, he had me on for the 9am hour and it was lots of fun. I always enjoy the challenging questions from the WKBK callers. We covered the Free State Project, being hated, antics, chalking, the Phat Stuff raid, people’s opinions, school outreach, Robin Hooding, and taxes.  Jared’s an excellent interviewer – he’s not afraid to ask tough questions.  Here’s the full interview, with callers:

Official LRN.FM App Now Available for Android & iOS

We finally got an official app for Keene-based Free Talk Live and LRN.FM! We need your help – the developer of the new LRN.FM & FTL listening app tells us that the first 30 days are the most important timeframe to get downloads from the Apple and Android stores. If there’s a good initial download amount, the stores are more likely to feature the app!

Even if you already use another app to listen to FTL or LRN.FM, please take a moment to install this app via the links below and give it a try. It’s free! There are still a few tweaks that need to be made to the features, but it sounds great and allows you to listen to both the FTL 24/7 streams and the LRN.FM streams in the same app.

Please download and then rate five stars, and then share the link on your social media. Thank you!
