Porcfest 2015 Kicks Off Sunday, Already Making Headlines Statewide

PorcfestThe Free State Project‘s super-popular yearly camping festival, Porcfest, begins on Sunday at Roger’s Campground in Lancaster, NH and already it’s making headlines.  Both the Concord Monitor and Union Leader have published lengthy, glowing stories about the week-long event.

Other coverage is expected from mainstream national media as the event gets rolling – stay tuned here to Free Keene for more news about the festival.

Even if you can only make it up for a day or two, the Porcupine Freedom Festival is a must-see.  Many Free Keene bloggers will be attending – come on up and join us!

Keene Liberty Activists Featured in Bloomberg Report on Bernie Sanders’ Appearance

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Hiding From Indy Media

Keene liberty activists Derrick J Freeman and Chris Cantwell are featured prominently in an article by Bloomberg reporter David Weigel that discusses the recent Bernie Sanders campaign appearance here.  It’s not Weigel’s first time reporting on the activity of Keene’s liberty contingent.  He wrote a feature piece for Slate all the way back in 2011.

In his recent piece, Weigel links to the Shire Society, Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree, and my ambush video of Sanders.  Thanks, David, again for the generous coverage.  Here’s the full article:

They approached the entrance to the Bernie Sanders speech, and the libertarians were waiting. On Saturday afternoon, before 750 or so liberal voters could hear the Vermont senator and Democratic presidential candidate at a Keene, New Hampshire, rec center, smiling members of“the Shire Society” handed them fliers.


“Something to read while you wait,” chirruped local libertarian activist Derrick J. Freeman, as he grabbed another flier from his stack. “I just think anyone could be interested in the ideas of liberty.”


He was not baiting liberals, or trolling them. He was being serious. Freeman wore a cat T-shirt and chatted about his documentary, Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree, with people who did not mind the conversation—and who often agreed. (more…)

KGO-AM San Francisco Interviews Ian About Robin Hooding + WKBK Discussion

KGO-AM Signal Pattern

KGO-AM Signal Pattern

The Robin Hood of Keene media coverage keeps rolling in. A major national TV news crew was in town today and last week I had the privilege of appearing as a guest on KGO-AM in San Francisco. KGO is what is called a “flamethrower” in the business. It’s the maximum legally allowed 50,000 watts on AM in one of the top markets in the country, San Francisco, with a monster signal that covers Sacramento, Santa Rosa, San Jose, and Salinas.

Here’s the KGO appearance:

Also last week, WKBK’s Dan Mitchell had local attorney Kevin Gordon on to analyze the recent Robin Hood Supreme Court decision.

RLS 052 – Green Screen Activism


Carlos Morales and Brett Veinotte joined us this week in the Rebel Love Studio. Topics this week include Carlos and Calvin Thompson’s new project libertarian-atheist.com, pro tips to avoiding copyright infringement on youtube, Shire Dude’s inspiration, Porcfest, Stefan Molyneux cult on Showtime, Carlos and Brett’s relationship, studio sex, Shire Dude’s trial, The Villians of Anarchy, Brett is punished for his anti-poly rhetoric, the podcast beef with Nick of Puke and the Gang, School Suck beef, and Walter Block eating babies. The Rebel Love Show airs every Tuesday on LRN.FM at 10pm EST.

Burning Flags On Holidays

To The Offended Viewer:
Some of the folks in Manchester, New Hampshire have been burning tiny flags on holidays, but what does it mean?

Just like any icon, the flag symbolizes different things as it is interpreted by different people.  You may look at the flag and see a symbol of hope and freedom.  I do not share this view.  In my eyes, the flag is the banner of an oppressive, monolithic federal government.

This freedom to burn flags was not given to me; we are all born free.  Isn’t that fantastic?

Shire Dude

An Open Letter to Senator Sharon Carson – The Compassion of Decriminalization

Recently, the Concord Monitor agreed to publish yet another liberty-related article. This one was on the subject of marijuana decriminalization. Recently, the Senate decided to “table” a marijuana decriminalization bill that would have helped first time “offenders” avoid getting a criminal record for possessing small amounts of marijuana. The prohibitionists in the senate temporarily killed the bill with typical political chicanery, but the most offensive thing about the whole endeavor was the insinuation this was somehow for the “common people’s” good. That, in spite of very clear signals that the majority of the people in New Hampshire do not want others to go to jail for possessing a plant, people like Senator Sharon Carson would continue to advocate for their imprisonment.

The original piece in the Concord Monitor can be found here, but it lacks the citations that I submitted. You can read it with citations below.