Concord Monitor Publishes Editorial by FSP Early Mover, Answering Common Objections to Liberty

James Davis

James Davis

James Davis, a Free State Project early mover to Dover, was recently published in the Concord Monitor. His article is a lengthy response to an anti-liberty piece that recently appeared there.

In his epic response, James lays out the ideas of liberty and voluntarism and addresses common objections about health care, vice, property rights, and more. It’s an excellent piece and would be a good one to share with people who still believe in “the state”. Here it is:

A recent column posited that Libertarian Party ideals, while they look good on paper, erode freedom (Monitor Forum, May 28). As someone who supported Barack Obama in his first run for the presidency, and even attended his inauguration, I can understand these concerns. But as someone who has since come to self-identify as a libertarian, I think the author (and the Monitor’s readers) could use some clarification as to what the principles of liberty actually are.


The article started with and seemed to revolve around one question: “What exactly do libertarians mean by harm?” This is certainly the heart of the discussion. (more…)

Keene City Manager Claims Ignorance of Legal Costs on Robin Hood Suit

Despite having previously admitted to spending at least $20,000 of taxpayer money on legal fees in the first stage of the city’s ridiculous civil suit filed against Keene’s Robin Hooders, city manager John MacLean is now claiming he doesn’t know how much it’s all cost thus far. As you may recall, the suit is currently awaiting a ruling from the New Hampshire supreme court. Dave Ridley spotted MacLean at a recent council meeting and confronts him outside. MacLean, who is a very smooth operator, dodges and gives non-answers to Ridley’s legitimate inquiries, including those about MacLean’s salary. Here’s the video:

Secretive Parks & Rec Director Confronted on Chalk Oppression

Keene Parks and Rec director Andy Bohannon made headlines here at Free Keene in October 2012 when he attempted to intimidate peaceful chalkers in downtown’s Central Square during “Chalk the Police” day.  Andy hid his nametag from view when he was questioned by activists including Garret Ean.  Government in New Hampshire is supposed to be open and accountable, as per article 8 of the NH Constitution’s Bill of Rights, yet Andy hid his identity as he tried to stop the free speech event.

Now Dave Ridley confronts him about it, more than two years later, and it sounds like Andy denies his own behavior as he scurries out of the city building after a council meeting.  Dave gives chase into the parking lot but doesn’t get another word out of Andy.  Perhaps he’s embarrassed about his behavior?  If so, then why not admit fault and apologize like most good people would do when they do something they regret?  I guess that would take some integrity and guts.  Here’s the video of the confrontation, which also includes Ridley being blown off and ignored by some city councilors when he asks about tax-cutting:

Ridley Confronts Phone Thief EMS Worker – Hear His Shocking Excuse

Nearly six years ago in downtown Keene I was shocked when Emergency Medical Services worker Ronald Leslie snatched my phone out of my hands (here’s another angle) as I was recording video of my friend Kurt Hoffman being loaded into an ambulance.  Hoffman had allegedly been attacked by now-sheriff, then-KPD-officer Eli Rivera while in a secret court hearing at Keene District Court.  Though I had forgiven Leslie shortly after the incident, others have not forgotten the assault and theft.

Indeed, now that Dave Ridley is back in town, he’s been cornering bureaucrats and politicians in various places. Recently he attended a Keene city council meeting where the very same Ronald Leslie was receiving an award prior to his retirement.  Ridley confronted him about the theft and at first it almost looks like Leslie has changed for the better – he even tells a female companion to keep her hands off Ridley’s camera after she begins to assault him.  Despite the golden opportunity Leslie has to apologize publicly for what he did or at least admit fault, he actually claims that he thought I was giving him my camera!  My mouth just about hit the floor when I heard the ridiculous excuse for his unprofessional behavior.  Here’s the video:

Ross Ulbricht Vindicates Trial Activists in First-Released Letter From Prison


Ross Ulbricht, Hero

You may have seen the news today that Ross Ulbricht, the man who created the Silk Road, the world’s most infamous black market “darknet” site, has been sentenced to life in federal prison with no possibility of parole.  Given the unfair trial he was subjected to from start-to-finish, the fact that he did not take a plea, and because the feds want to “send a message” to underground market operators and participants, it’s sad but no surprise he got the maximum.  Ross plans to appeal and fundraising is being done for that now.

If you’ve been reading the Free Keene blog, you probably already know there was some controversy in the first week of the Ross Ulbricht Silk Road court case this year. A contingent of hard-core Keene liberty activists car-pooled down to Manhattan to join with other activists from around the globe to protest and perform jury nullification outreach in front of the courthouse. As a result, the tyrannical judge in the case threatened the jury with sequestering if the activists didn’t stop their free speech. After a meeting with Ross’ mother, Lyn, the activists agreed to back down.

One of the big questions at the time was, what did Ross want?  We knew what his understandably-frightened mother and his court-obedient attorney wanted, but was their wish Ross’ wish?

Free Keene Bloggers James Cleaveland and Jay Freeville Outside the Ulbricht Trial

Free Keene Bloggers James Cleaveland and Jay Freeville Outside the Ulbricht Trial

Local liberty activist David Crawford decided to write Ross and find out.  Unfortunately, Ross didn’t write back until after his conviction, and in what may be the first publicly available letter from Ross Ulbricht, he exonerates the liberty-loving activists who came out to support him.

Ross thanks the activists for their support at trial and says he’s glad they were there, doesn’t think they did anything wrong, and appreciated their effort.  He also expresses hope to not receive the life sentence.  The full text of the letter appears below.

Dear David,

I got your letter a few weeks back, thank you for writing, and thank you for your support at the trial. I’m glad you were there protesting. You should be able to voice your opinions and hold signs, especially at a courthouse where it is especially important to have that freedom. I know it was touchy because the judge wanted to control what the jury was exposed to, but I don’t think you did anything wrong and I appreciate you trying to help even though I was found guilty in the end. Now I have to focus on sentencing. I really don’t want to get that life sentence even though I know the prosecutors will be pushing for it. Please thank the others that were with you showing me support at trial if you get a chance. 🙂

(February 24th, 2015)

You can write to Ross at the address listed on and also donate to his appeal.

You can meet Ross’ mother, Lyn, at Porcfest 2015 next month, as she’ll be speaking about this harrowing experience at the yearly camping festival thrown by the Free State Project.

P.S. This story was originally posted in early March and then quickly pulled at the request of Ross and his family. They were worried it might affect his chances at sentencing. It didn’t. So, I’m reposting it now.

Keene City Council Actually Talks To Ridley!

Dave Ridley is back in Keene and recently went to a Keene city council meeting with questions for the councilors.  He approached them in the hallway outside the council chambers and I’m pleased to say that in the two videos released thus far, every single Keene city councilor he asked a question of, actually gave an answer!

This must be a pleasant surprise to Ridley who is frequently ignored by rude politicians wherever he goes.   Kudos to the Keene city council for being willing to talk to independent media.

Here’s the first of two videos released in Ridley’s new series from the Keene city council thus far. In it Ridley quizzes the councilors about the city’s relationship with Keene State College:

This is the second of two videos, where Ridley questions them about cutting taxes (more…)

Memorial Day Parade Peace Contingent Grows to Record Size

For the fourth year, a peace contingent has marched at the end of the Memorial Day parade in downtown Keene – this year with record participation!  Three liberty-friendly families came out to participate, including Free State Project early movers.  As with previous years, reception was mostly warm with plenty of waves, smiles, and thank yous.  Of course, there was the requisite heckler and a few snide comments – one woman told her kids “don’t even look at them”, and turned around and walked away!

Multiple peace flags were carried and worn and signage included memorials to a father and grandfather and “Stop the US War Machine”. Thanks to all the participants and see you next year!


2015 Peace Contingent Gathers Prior to Parade