Rebel Love Show Ep 36: Truth over School Podcast


Carlos Morales and Brett Veinotte join RLS this week for our second trek live on LRN.FM. The show starts off with Liberty Forum updates. RLS will be recording each day at Liberty Forum at 2:30pm March 5th, 6th, and 7th in Manchester NH at the Radisson hotel. Carlos and Rob will also be doing talks at Liberty Forum. Topics discussed on the show include the great Dunkin Donuts debate, Carlos goes on a food rant, Shire Dude invents the signed selfie, Brett doesn’t care about his listeners, RLS does school sucks outreach, activism in Manchester, online vs in person activism, chilling out in the Shire, podcasting learning hospital, transhumanism, Shire Dude is confronted about being the mastermind behind @IanGoogling on twitter, Rob and Carlos discuss ISFLC, Carlos talks about his dislike for Ron Paul, and the need for more art in the liberty community. RLS broadcasts live every Tuesday night at 10pm EST on and you can watch us live at

Monadnock Showdown Explores Government Domestic Violence Consequences

On this week’s episode two of Monadnock Showdown, hosts Parker Springfield and Judy Fine confront how the system can make incidents of minor domestic violence into total nightmares.

His character seems kind so I’d have liked to have known if guest Patrick Michelson was drinking alcohol the night of the incident where after 35 years of a violence-free relationship, he threw a laundry basket and grabbed his wife by the shoulders. For this act, he ended up pleading guilty to a felony assault charge. Interestingly, Michelson says that in hindsight he wishes he’d refused the first plea and chosen not guilty. According to his story, a roommate/tenant called police and by the time the cops arrived he and his wife were sitting down and talking. He was surprised to see them show up.

Remember, you never have an obligation to talk to the police at your front door or let them inside. Here are some more tips on how to handle police encounters.

Guest Kelly Darling-Snow admits to having been both the victim and victimizer in domestic violence situations and goes on to say that she knows people whose lives have been torn apart by the system. Michelson says the state involvement in his situation was quickly “out-of-control”. His then-wife told the prosecutor she only wanted Michelson to go to therapy, not face criminal charges.

Sadly, “the state” is not compassion. It is aggressive force, and the state agents do what they want. (more…)

Will NH House Pass Improved Jury Nullification Bill?

As you may know, in late 2014 the NH supreme court decided against Rich Paul’s appeal, claiming the “jury nullification” bill of 2012 was not in point-of-fact, a jury nullification bill. Turns out the 2012 law was gutted prior to passing and the rejected wording was more like JR Hoell’s 2015 edition of the bill, HB 470. Hoell’s bill was heard this week by the NH house judiciary committee. Here’s the full video of the hearing, which in addition to liberty-loving activists speaking, includes the “justice” bureaucrats trying their best to dissuade the committee from supporting having the jury being informed of their full rights:

“Weeda Claus” Reports From Grafton Deliberative Session

bobcRecently I shared a couple of news articles describing the contentious scene at this year’s Grafton deliberative session. I had wondered what the activists would have to say about the scene there and now Bob “Weeda Claus” Constantine has weighed in:

I am one of the unfortunate people that the town of Grafton, NH sends a demand note to, often euphemistically and oxymoronically referred to as a property tax bill by government apologists. Therefore I attended the annual Town Meeting or Deliberative session on Feb. 7th 2015, in an attempt to reduce the theft and rattle my chains, well aware of my forced subservient position within the coercive government food chain. Plus I know they’ll steal my home if I don’t pay their ransom.


This year’s meeting was again run sloppily by Susan Frost, a serial bureaucrat and the same moderator who proclaimed her “fairness” in her 2014 Town meeting preamble by quoting Voltaire. You know the quote, something like I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. Less than two hours later, she had Brian Fellers, a friend and a forthright long time Grafton resident, arrested for asking the deliberative body to “examine his right of free speech”, that is, if you still believe in that kind of stuff. Or “being disruptive”, if you think Voltaire quotes sound good, but weren’t meant to actually be followed. No, I’m not making that up. Brian has stated the real reason he was arrested in 2014, was that he told the Police Chief prior to his arrest that he was there to cut his budget which had bloated enormously in recent years. Brian does not mince words. The cop has a gun. Guns, sadly trump words. Apparently Voltaire is an electrical term to the double dipping salaried and hourly overtime paid Police Chief. (more…)

NH Representatives to Restrict Bureaucrats from Testifying in Committees?

Last week, Keene liberty activists visited Concord’s state house legislative office building and spoke on multiple issues, including a bill, HB300, that if passed would prohibit government bureaucrats from testifying at the state house’s committees without permission from the committee chair. It would also make them wear their state ID when in the state house.

One of the worst things about the state house is that there are bureaucrats who attend nearly every committee hearing who are constantly pushing for more taxes and more power. The bill in question would be a major step in the right direction. Darryl W. Perry, Chris Cantwell, and I all spoke on the issue:


Chris: (more…)

Cop Blocking Better Cops

Josh Paulette, Cheshire County Sheriff's Deputy

Josh Paulette, Cheshire County Sheriff’s Deputy

Josh Paulette is a Cheshire county sheriff’s deputy. We first met when I was being transported to the jail for my first act of noncooperation close to a decade ago. He was as courteous as someone could be who is tasked with transporting people in shackles. Like many police in New Hampshire, Josh is easy-going, affable, and is generally pleasant to encounter, even when depriving you of your liberty. Like all of us humans, he’s not perfect. There was one time that James Cleaveland witnessed (and video recorded) Josh tackle a young college-age male after he drunkenly ran from an open container arrest, but aside from that adrenaline-fueled incident, I have nothing but praise for my experiences with Josh.

Earlier this month, Josh pulled me over for allegedly cutting through a parking lot to avoid a red light on West St, which is apparently illegal in NH, despite the common practice’s positive effect on traffic flow. One of the general principles of Cop Blocking is not talking to the police, but when you have a cordial relationship with them, as many activists in Keene do, a different approach is necessary.

When interacting with police you know, consider the following options along with the standard Cop Block suggesstions: (I don’t employ all of them in the video – this stuff takes practice, and I’m not perfect.)

  • Be polite, yet assertive of your rights. – Asserting your rights actually helps keep polite police as well-behaved as possible. Police would prefer to deal with people who don’t know their rights. Even though an officer’s demeanor may be cordial, he *is* conducting an investigation and has the ability to deprive you of your liberty with near-zero consequences to himself. Don’t let them fool you into a false sense of safety. Despite Josh’s friendly demeanor, this is an adversarial encounter and you can hear the adrenaline in my voice when I say “I don’t know.” I’ve had lots of experience with police, but it’s still common for me to be nervous when pulled over, especially at first. Practice helps, but you still never really know what will happen.
  • Anything you say can be used against you. (more…)