Keene, Manch Activists Head to NYC For Ross Ulbricht Trial

Ross William Ulbricht

Sketch of Ross Ulbricht in Court

Ross Ulbricht is the man accused of running the Silk Road underground market. He’s facing life in prison and his jury trial begins tomorrow morning. If Ulbricht did run the Silk Road, he’s a hero for making the black market a safer place. If he didn’t, then he’s a man wrongfully accused. Either way, he should be found not guilty by the jury.

Liberty activists from Keene including Derrick J Freeman, James Cleaveland, and Jay Freeville and activists from Manchester Andre Rosa and William Kostric are heading down to Manhattan today! They’ll be meeting up with liberty activists from as far away as Austin, Texas and will be doing everything they can to help Free Ross and bring attention to his case. Stay tuned here at Free Keene for more.

Video of the Secession Panel @ Keenevention 2014

How are activists in New Hampshire promoting secession? How is the idea being received by the people of NH? Is now the right time for this issue? Enjoy the full video of the 2014 Secession panel at Keenevention with host Rob Mathias of the Rebel Love Show and his panelists Darryl W Perry of the NH Liberty Party, Objectivist Girl Lauren Rumpler, Conan Salada of Black Sheep Rising, and Free State Project founder Jason Sorens:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Tickets for Keenevention 2015 (Oct 30th – Nov 1st) are now available at a super-earlybird discount for just $40! Lock yours in before the price goes up!

Felon, State Rep Removed from Criminal Justice Committee

State Representative Max Abramson

State Representative and FSP Participant Max Abramson

Free State Project early mover Max Abramson’s felony conviction was no secret during his campaign for State Representative in 2014 and he won anyway.

His felony conviction he has is total BS, but most mainstream reporting on his removal from the state house Criminal Justice committee ignores his side of the story and treats him like all felons are created equal. Max was convicted of a felony for firing a gun INTO THE GROUND to break up a fight at a party thrown by his roommates at the time. No one was harmed or in any danger whatsoever from his actions.

Now, because of political correctness, the new speaker of the house, Shawn Jasper (a former cop) has removed Max from his appointment to the Criminal Justice committee. Ironically, Max is one of the most qualified to be on that committee, having experienced the state’s idea of “justice” from the inside.

Here’s a Seacoast Online story about him being booted. Max will continue to be a state rep and will likely be one of the better, more liberty-friendly reps. I’m looking forward to seeing what changes he brings to the table.

Free Stater vs Manchester PD over Inspection Sticker Edict

I moved to the Shire just under one year ago. Since then I have been thrown into being a right to travel activist, but not by choice. The car I purchased with bitcoin has been pulled over by police in New Hampshire over 10 times now. Most likely due to the liberty stickers on the bumper. I do not leave home with out a camera on me any more because of the amount of interactions I find my self in with the local government agents. Due to this, I have recorded conversations with police more than I have ever wanted to. In this situation, I was in violation of the government edict regarding the proper sticker on my windshield. This sticker represents if my vehicle had been inspected with in the last year. Due to the fact that my car was in violation of said edict, I attempted to talk to this officer in a way that broke down the uniform. I treated him as a human being who is issuing a letter of extortion to me. Is this a good tactic? I know there are many strategies for talking to the police but I was already being issued a ticket and took advantage of the situation in an attempt to emotionally reach the officer. I am sure I made mistakes in how I handled this, please leave any criticisms you may have. The video was recorded by the latest Free State Project early mover Ann Leverette.

NH House repeals ban on concealed weapons

By a vote of 228-149, the NH House voted to amend the first sentence of House Rule 63 to read, “No person, including members of the House, except law enforcement officers while actively engaged in carrying out their duties as such, shall display any deadly weapon as defined in RSA 625:11, V while in the House Chamber, anterooms, cloakrooms, or any portion of the State House adjacent to any of the above.” (more…)

Rebel Love Show Ep 30: The Liberty Mecca


Beau Davis, the creative force behind 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire, stops by the Rebel Love studios. Beau’s latest documentary is about the Free State Project here in the Shire and the reasons why you should move here as well. The last time Beau was on the show was during the filming of 101 in which the Rebel Love Show, Rob Mathias, and fellow Free Keene blogger Shire Dude were all featured in it. This is also the first episode recorded that we are officially on LRN.FM. Other topics discussed on this week’ show include the Shire being the libertarian mecca, dreaming big in the Shire, what will happen when the move is triggered, Rob and Shire Dude talk about how Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree inspired their move to the Shire, right to travel activism, who doesnt love Dave Ridley?, Beau discusses how his cannabis use has helped him and woke him up, Chalk the Police in Manchester, trespass of 12? Shire Dude evolution since living here, Beau pitches the Rebel Love TV Show and the Porcupine AV club, should activists wake others up?, are liberty media types historians, and Beau talks about future projects.

Check out to watch the best documentary yet on life here in the Shire. Also make sure you check out and help us trigger the move! You can find the Rebel Love Show on Itunes, Stitcher, Youtube, and Facebook.