Video of the Charity Panel @ Keenevention 2014

How are activists helping the community and how can you get involved? Watch the first-ever Keenevention Charity Panel and find out. Presented by the foundress of Shire Sharing, Amanda Bouldin, panelists included Theresa Eudaimonia of Occupy NH, Stephanie Murphy of Fr33 Aid, and Dale Everett of Flaming Freedom. Here’s the full video:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Tickets for Keenevention 2015 (Oct 30th – Nov 1st) are now available at a super-earlybird discount for just $40! Lock yours in before the price goes up!

Rebel Love Show Ep 30: Community Standards


Its a Festivus miracle! We have finally released our episode with Brett Veinotte and Ali Havens. Long story short, slactivism and audio issues came into play with the recording of this episode. The episode was originally recorded on November 19th, 2014. Topics discussed on the show include Rob’s, Shire Dude’s, and Ali’s appearances in 101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire, why both Rob and Shire Dude moved to Manchester, dating with in the community, Ali shares her first instance of meeting a “celebratarian”, can you live off donations? Brett plans to create an imitation ice cream called Primalscream and Nutscream, Bret’s new show is a health show? you will stop consuming liberty media once you move to the Shire, the pros and cons of the cult leader himself Stefan Molyneux, we all share drunk stories, and the Satoshi Saloon needs to return to Porcfest.
Check out Brett’s show at and someday you may find Ali at
Show us some LOVE and subscribe to us on Itunes and Stitcher.

The Case for Businesses to Accept Bitcoin as Payment

A few weeks ago, while on tour for the upcoming documentary, The BIT Movie crew stopped by 101 Deals Thrift Store to see how easy it is for small businesses to accept bitcoins as an option for payment and checked out the Bitcoin vending machine where folks can buy bitcoins locally. I also made the case why 101 Deals Thrift Store accepts bitcoins as payment and why other businesses should as well.

First and foremost, accepting bitcoins as a form of payment is an improvement over merchant card services. Bitcoin is an instant cost savings to the business’s bottom line. Currently, 101 Deals Thrift Store accepts credit/debit cards through a merchant card service. The fee to accept the cards in person is 2.75% and over the phone is 3.5% plus 15¢ per transaction. This means that if a sale at the store is made for $10, only $9.73 is deposited to the business’s account. There are a few options to accept bitcoins for merchants, but one that is tailored to business and easy is When using Coinbase, there is no transaction fee for the merchant and the first $1,000,000 (!) of converting bitcoins to US dollars (IE “cashing out” is free). 

Consider a small business that processes $100,000 in credit/debit card sales a year. If 10% of the sales were instead in bitcoin ($10,000), the savings would be $270. Even if the business reached the $1 mil threshold and incurred the 1% fee, the savings is still $170 a year on every $10,000 of sales. If the business accepts cards over the phone instead, the savings are even more dramatic, $350 on $10,000, (not accounting for the 15¢ per transaction cost).


Over 4% Vote for NH Liberty Party Candidate for Governor

NH Liberty Party

NH Liberty Party

Perhaps for the first time ever, 2014’s primary election featured a third party candidate running as a democrat: the New Hampshire Liberty Party‘s Ian Freeman.  Despite the entire campaign budget being about three dollars for postage and doing virtually no campaigning besides media appearances and a debate-turned-speech,  Freeman received more than 4% of the vote!

It would be comparing apples-to-oranges, but it’s interesting to note that 4% is more than 50% higher than the 2.6% score by the Libertarian Party’s candidate for governor in the 2012 general election.  The libertarians spent a lot of time and money promoting their candidate, including thousands of dollars on his ballot qualification alone.  Freeman, on the other hand since he is registered as a democrat, became ballot qualified by simply paying $100 to the Secretary of State.  Part of the campaign was to bring attention to the unfair ballot access rules for third parties in New Hampshire.

The campaign also focused on ending cannabis prohibition and secession from the United States.  You can learn more about the New Hampshire Liberty Party here.

SHOCK! Judge Burke Upholds KPD Decision: “Unsuitable” to Concealed Carry

burkeLocal government bureaucrats in Keene are infringing on my right to bear arms.

In July I applied for a concealed carry license. One man, Ken Meola, denied it. I appealed, and this week the news came back: Judge Burke denied my appeal.

Judge Burke’s decision means that while it is perfectly legal for me to carry a firearm openly, it is a crime for me to conceal that firearm, for example by putting on a winter jacket.

The next step is to move on to the State Supreme Court. I haven’t decided whether or not I’m going to do that, but I’ll give another update when I speak with my attorney.

I’m disappointed about this decision, but I’m not surprised. The State is a many-tentacled beast, and the different facets of it protect each other. First the legislators did their part by camouflaging a restriction as a right: they call NH “shall issue” but ultimately leave the power of permission to one man working for the police. Then the police did their part to deny my rights, essentially arguing that they are restricting my freedoms because I don’t respect them. Finally, appeals are made to lawyers who also work for the State.

For those who missed it, here is a link to video of the full hearing.

Read Burke’s decision here. (PDF)

Read the Google Doc Version

Video of the Media Panel @ Keenevention 2014

The Media Panel at Keenevention is always a nuts-and-bolts how-to full of useful information right down to specific equipment recommendations and how to get started with your own program. Learn from the experiences of panelists Brett Veinotte of the School Sucks Project, Garret Ean from Free Concord, Christopher Cantwell of Some Garbage Podcast, and Stephanie Murphy of Let’s Talk Bitcoin plus panel host Mark Edge of Free Talk Live. Here’s the full panel:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release.

Tickets for Keenevention 2015 (Oct 30th – Nov 1st) are now available at a super-earlybird discount for just $40! Lock yours in before the price goes up!