New Video Series Focuses on FSP Early Movers: “Its Like This Too”

Free State Project early movers Cecelia Fairchild and Shire Dude have begun releasing weekly episodes of a brand new web video series, “It’s Like This Too”, which features the stories and accomplishments of other early movers for the FSP.

Here are the three episodes released to-date:

Episode 3, featuring former CPS agent Carlos Morales:


Episode 2, featuring Shire Sharing foundress Amanda Bouldin: (more…)

Rebel Love Show Ep 28: Sedition w/ Jordan Page


Recorded November 15, 2014
Jordan Page was the latest guest on the Rebel Love Show to perform “Modus Operandi”, “Sedition”, and “Song for Bob Dylan”. Topics we discuss include the way Jordan discovered liberty, why he stays in the US, we share cop block and TSA stories, building the cultural identity of the liberty community, support for the remnant, bitcoin, and the roles we play to promote freedom. The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast from Manchester and can be found on Itunes and Stitcher.

Awesome New Documentary: “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire”

It’s out! “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“, the brand-new documentary produced by Free State Project participants is now available in full on Youtube.

This one-hour documentary is packed with 101 persuasive reasons why New Hampshire is the best destination for liberty-loving people. In addition to focusing on lots of reasons why New Hampshire is already a great, more-free place to live, it also showcases some of the successes of the Free State Project‘s early movers thus far. It’s an amazing film and kudos goes to executive producer Vince Perfetto and especially producer and editor Beau Davis for making it happen. This movie is going to be the key to pushing the Free State Project to 20,000 signers and triggering the official move – please share it as widely as you can!

Pumpkin Fest Rioters’ Confusing Chants

There’s not much good to be said about the wisdom of crowds. In two videos recorded during the Pumpkin Fest riots in the Keene State College neighborhood, people are seen chanting “Fuck the Police” in one video while in another singing the national anthem. Perhaps the seeming contradiction in their messages has to do with what the college girl had to say after police shot up the party house she was at with pepperballs, “We’re not terrorists.  We love America.  We just like to drink!  Don’t shoot us!” The sentiment being that they love the idea of America, where they should be free to have a party and drink without being attacked by the police. Of course the irony is that the nationalist brainwashing of singing national anthems and pledging allegiance to a flag over generations has resulted in the religious, state-worshiping fervor that has allowed the police to militarize and disconnect from the people they supposedly serve.

Here’s the “Fuck the Police” chant:

and then a video of partiers singing the national anthem:

Black Sheep Rising – Ep78 – Curb Stomping 101


Remembering Keenevention 2014 • Ballot selfie etiquette • Open carry. What could go wrong? according to some LEO • Are my kids too loud for you? How bout I punch you in the teeth for noticing • BSR: behind the scenes • Awesome map of the entire internet • Darryl, Steven, and Shaunna join • Show notes at:

Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree is BACK!

This Monday 11/17, Free State Project participants will be releasing their 2nd movie produced in New Hampshire called “101 Reasons Liberty Lives in New Hampshire“. The new movie is being edited by FSP early mover Beau Davis, who was also the editor of the 1st FSP-participant-produced movie, the feature-length documentary, “Derrick J’s Victimless Crime Spree“.

To celebrate the imminent release of 101 Reasons, we’re releasing the Director’s Cut of DJVCS for the first time ever on YouTube! Of course the YouTube version doesn’t have the TWO commentary tracks or hours of bonus activist footage that you can only find on the DVD – so grab your copy or buy it as a gift for the holidays for under $10 at Amazon!

Here’s the Director’s Cut of the movie on YouTube:

And as an added bonus, here’s the QnA session with the producers that happened after the real-life premiere at Keene Cinemas in 2012: (more…)