Rebel Love Show Ep 27: #FullKeene


Recorded November 5th, 2014
Rich Paul and Lauren Rumpler aka Objectivist Girl visit the Rebel Love Studio to recap and discuss Keenevention including the Secession panel, Direct Action Panel, New Movers Panel, Ladies(Sexist) panel, keynote addresses, Conan’s bonfire, and Derrick J’s Hallowkeene Dance party. Other topics discussed include Free Staters winning state rep elections, latest new movers party, secession, April 420 rally, Rebel Love Show haters, Rich Paul pitches a new show, Rob and Lauren talk polyamory, full O-Girl, Rich Paul admits to never watching Shire Dude, making activism profitable, Rob shares a new mover story, and Rich’s role with The Rebel Love Show is a once a week broadcast spreading the LOVE of a liberated world and is available on Itunes, Stitcher, and Youtube.

Concord Monitor Reports on Re-Elected Free Staters

501988c68615a0.53593007[1]If you believe the haters, liberty-loving “Free Staters” have snuck into office against the wishes of the majority of NH’s population. Of course, the reality is that there are plenty of people in NH who know and love liberty activists. That’s why they keep getting re-elected, like Carol and Dan McGuire, who have now been re-elected for State Representative multiple times. Here’s the story on them from the Concord Monitor: (more…)

Video of the Legislative Panel @ Keenevention 2014

It’s been a week since Keenevention 2014 and that means it’s time to begin releasing the full video coverage from the event! (If you’re impatient, you can watch all of 2013 here.) We’ll go in chronological order, so first up is the Legislative Panel featuring Mark Warden, the two-time liberty “Legislator of the Year” (as awarded by the NH Liberty Alliance)!  Mark’s panelists included activist-of-the-year Keith Carlsen and the political director of the NH Liberty Alliance, Kevin Bloom! The informative panel covered how to be effective in New Hampshire’s amazingly accessible legislature, whether you are an elected state rep or just someone who wants to have an impact:

More video will be released every week! Stay tuned to the Keenevention blog, Free Keene, the Free Keene Youtube Channel or the Keenevention Facebook page for the next video release!

Media Coverage of Keenevention 2014: Sentinel, Union Leader

James Cleaveland's Keynote @ Keenevention 2014

James Cleaveland

At this year’s Keenevention, the media were in attendance in the form of Martha Shanahan of the Keene Sentinel and Meghan Pierce of the Union Leader. Here’s the Sentinel feature sotry which appeared on the front page, below-the-fold, with photo. Also, don’t miss this excellent profile on Keenevention’s keynote speaker James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland from the Union Leader.

Here’s the text of the Union Leader piece: (more…)

Liberty in North Korea Presents in Keene!


LiNK’s Esther Gives a Presentation at the KAC

After being able to give four separate presentations at Keene High School, Liberty in North Korea‘s Northeast Nomads dropped by the Keene Activist Center on Saturday afternoon and had a good session presenting to local liberty activists.  Their message was focusing on the “Jangmadang Generation”, the millennials who have grown up to understand how the marketplace means freedom.  Jangmadang means “market grounds”.  It is the market that has provided, illegally, for the feeding and education of the North Korean people after the government-provided famine of the 1990s.

It was during the famine that people learned to take care of themselves and to no longer rely on the state, as relying on the state was leading to starvation.

Today, the underground market in North Korea is smuggling in laptops, USB drives, and other media to help expand the minds of the North Korean people.

The hat was passed after the presentation and they received cash support from the attendees.  Though LiNK is not yet accepting Bitcoin, hopefully they will soon.  Thanks to Esther (pictured), James, and Tiffany for their dedication to human freedom!


Black Sheep Rising – Ep77 – Convention Fabuloso


Did you miss Keenevention 2014? No worries. We have all the juicy details for you • HallowKeene FB page • Just sell me three chickens! • No seatbelt? Probably gonna get shot • Derrick J’s 10sec victimless crime spree • the “still small voice” within you • W and Derrick J join the discussion • Show notes at: