NH Supreme Court Decides “Jury Nullification” Law Not A Jury Nullification Law

Rich Paul 420 2014

Rich Paul

I always thought the language in RSA 519:23-a (commonly referred to as the jury nullification statute) was weak. In fact, the state’s attorney argued in front of the NH supreme court that before it passed into law, the legislature stripped all mention of jury nullification from the original bill. From the state’s perspective, their attorney was correct, and the supreme court unanimously affirmed that the statute is not a jury nullification statute.  Here’s their seven-page decision.

The statute in question is a shadow of what it should have been. Perhaps the legislature can try again and get it right this time. Until then, whether or not a defendant will be allowed to tell a jury about nullification (which has happened multiple times thus far in NH) remains up-to-the-judge in the case, it seems.  Stay tuned to Free Keene for or NHJury.com for the latest news about jury rights in New Hampshire.

Reason has an excellent take on the news here, and FIJA’s opinion is here.

Rebel Love Show Ep 25: Life on the Freedom Project with Derrick J


Recorded October 16th, 2014
Derrick J Freeman joins us in studio to give us an update on Rich Paul being freed, Ian Freeman’s trial, and James Cleaveland’s NH Supreme Court case about the city of Keene vs Robin Hood of Keene. Other topics discussed include the panels that are upcoming at Keenevention, recent activism, and what life is like as a full time activist working on the “Freedom Project” in the Shire.   The Rebel Love show is also available for download on Itunes and Stitcher.

Jared Goodell Interviewed on WGN Chicago, WKBK, Fox N’ Friends, CNN

It’s been an intense several days for local independent newsman Jared Goodell.  He’s been interviewed by and featured on many national media outlets for his heroic role in handling the assaults and threats by Pumpkin Fest organizer Ruth Sterling.  (The video has gone viral.)  This morning in addition to appearing locally on WKBK with Dan Mitchell, Jared took part in a hilarious interview on WGN-AM in Chicago:

Yesterday he had an excellent interview on Fox N’ Friends:

He also appeared on CNN and in another FOX report as well.

HALLOWKEENE Costume Party to Benefit Ross Ulbricht


Ross Ulbricht faces decades in prison for allegedly running the Silk Road underground online market.

Join Derrick J and dozens of liberty-loving folk for the first-ever HALLOWKEENE Costume Dance Party on November 1st from 9pm through Midnight at the Best Western Sovereign Hotel ballroom! This is a costume dance party and there will be three prizes for the top three costumes! You can indicate you’re coming via this facebook event.

More importantly, this event is a fundraiser for Ross Ulbricht. He’s been accused of running the Silk Road black market website, and he needs your help to avoid life in prison. Whether or not you attend the party, you can give to Ross’ legal campaign here.

If you don’t have your Keenevention badge with you, please have at least $10 (or BTC) to donate to Ross at the door of HALLOWKEENE to get entry to the party. See you on Saturday, 11/1 from 9p-Mid. Boo!

Black Sheep Rising – Ep75 – RiotFest

The hell is Pumpkin Fest and why should we care? • Local reporter accosted by Pumpkin Fest organizer for simply speaking the truth • Higher education: not worth it. Gonna drink instead • Overqualified? Underqualified? Not gonna work with either • Snipers and Homeland security keeping us safe from EbolaISIS • No date tonight? how bout starting a bottle Fight • Jimmy from AZ pushes the envelope • Cussing on the show and radio hosts we hate • Liberty Tits • Shuanna’s new found love: yelling at folks • Eric’s dog is a murderer • Darryl, Eric, and Shaunna join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Jared Goodell Seen Visiting Attorney Charlie Donahue

While on the streets of Keene this afternoon, I saw Jared Goodell pull into the parking lot of Charlie Donahue, a local liberty-friendly attorney. I caught up with Jared and managed to get a question out I’d been wanting to ask about his now viral video where Pumpkin Fest organizer Ruth Sterling assaults and threatens him. Though Jared has previously stated that he did not plan on suing Sterling, perhaps his plans have changed. Stay tuned here to Free Keene for the latest on the Pumpkin Fest 2014 riots and the surrounding drama.

KPD Turns to Liberty Activists for Evidence from Pumpkin Fest 2014 Riots

Click for RAW video from Fr33manTVraw

Click for RAW video from Fr33manTVraw

The headlines are all over New England media: Keene Police have released photos of suspects from the Pumpkin Fest 2014 riots. Inevitably, critics of liberty activists in Keene, and those who are confused and angry about Cop Block will tend to think liberty-oriented people are anti-police, because we so frequently criticize them for various things. It’s a common misunderstanding.

Many in the freedom movement, including myself, value the idea of protection services, which is what the police are supposed to be. While I’d prefer competition among protection agencies and consent-based funding of the agencies, while we have a monopoly provider, as we do today, I’d prefer they investigate real crimes, and I support them when they do.

Once upon a time the government’s police were referred to as peace officers, but now they are “law enforcement officers”, which is a whole different role and mindset.

During the Pumpkin Fest riots, peace officers would have acted to stop the violence (bottle throwing, fighting), property destruction (destroying street signs, tossing cars and dumpsters), and trespass (people going unwanted, onto private property). Law Enforcement Officers, on the other hand, arrest people for all kinds of nonsense things like open container, underage drinking, cannabis possession, and various other “malum prohibitum” victimless “crimes”. Every moment they spend harassing a young person for drinking or smoking is a moment they can’t be investigating actual crimes that have victims.

Anyway, it appears the bulk of the photos that Keene Police have released came from the video I shot during the dangerous bottle war that I experienced on Blake Street. I knew as I was recording it, that the police would use the footage in their investigation. I presume the Keene police already know about Fr33manTVraw, the YouTube channel where activists upload unedited, RAW 1080p video files.

Should you, dear reader, want to assist in identifying those culpable of violence and destruction of property, here are the raw videos that I used to make the finished video news package you saw here a few days ago. The vids are uploaded in full 1080p so IDing people will be a little easier than by trying to use the 720p package I put out on the main Free Keene youtube channel. Click to see all the videos on Fr33manTVraw.

If you want to reach Joel Chidester at Keene police with an ID of one of the aggressors you see in the raw videos, you can call him at (more…)