Live Streaming of Cop Blocking

Activists showing support for a man pulled over for honking in support of them.

Manchester Police have been granted permission by a Superior Court petition to conduct a DUI check point tonight. Such a check point violates the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights and also furthers the perception of living in a police state.  If you are unable to make it to Manchester NH tonight on Sept 5th 2014 but wish to see dozens of Cop Block activists save motorists from being detained and searched by the police, never fear!  Myself and Shire Dude will both be live steaming the activism that will take place.   Both of us will be using Bambuser to stream the event.  Shire Dude’s live stream will be available at  My live stream ill be available at

Shire Free Church & Other Freedom Churches Appeal Tax Exemption Denials

CoexistMinisters of three New Hampshire churches have filed tax exemption appeals with the Cheshire and Grafton superior courts. Peaceful Assembly Church, Shire Free Church: Monadnock, and Church of the Sword were each denied tax exemptions for their properties. Peaceful Assembly sought an exemption for their church building, while the other two sought exemptions for parsonages.

Brandon Ross, the attorney for Peaceful Assembly Church, was surprised by the town’s decision to deny exemption for their church building in Grafton, pointing out, “Peaceful Assembly Church has been around for several years. Seems plain as day they’re entitled to the tax exemption.” According to the filing by Ross in Grafton superior court, “the Grafton Selectmen argued that Peaceful Assembly did not ‘do enough’ for the community to earn a tax exemption (perhaps incorrectly believing that [tax exemption is] a quid-pro-quo arrangement).”

The filing adds, “the Town’s tax assessing agent, Avitar, basically recommended that the exemption be denied because they weren’t an IRS recognized church.” Of course, there is no requirement that a church apply for IRS recognition within NH statutes, nor should there be. Churches do not need government approval to exist and to be tax-exempt.

The ministers of the Shire Free Church: Monadnock argue in their appeal filed in Cheshire superior court that Keene tax assessor Mary Ann Robator engaged in viewpoint discrimination when she said, “When you refer to activists, I think that flies in the face of your church status.” (more…)

Keene Council Shoots Down BEARCAT Return Proposal

Actual picture from LENCO's site

Feeling safer yet?

It appears the city council of Keene wants to continue to be the laughingstock of the world. Terry Clark, the heroic councilor who stood alone against the BEARCAT police tank foisted on us in 2012 by the Department of Homeland Security, had put forth a proposal to return the military hardware. The proposal was heard for the first time at tonight’s city council meeting, where it was shot down.

Rather than respecting Clark’s request for a public hearing on the matter, “mayor” Kendall Lane deemed Clark’s proposal as “informational”. This is a common tactic to blow the issue off the table and silence any discussion on the matter from the public. Normally, this is how proposals by us normal folk are treated, but city councilors’ proposals are generally given deference and are sent to a sub-committee for a public hearing. Not in this case. Despite councilor Emily Hague coming to Clark’s aid and objecting to Lane’s blow-off, they could not garner near enough votes to override Lane’s move. Only Emily Hague, Terry Clark, and Bettina Chadbourne voted to override – the rest voted to take it as “informational”.

What happened to Carl Jacobs and David Meader, two newer councilors who in 2012 had originally joined Clark (along with Bettina Chadbourne) in opposing the BEARCAT?  I was informed by council-observers that Jacobs and Meader voted with the mayor and for the BEARCAT this time.  Shameful.

Kudos to Terry Clark, Bettina Chadbourne, and Emily Hague for standing against police militarization.

What is next?  Council elections are next year.  Hopefully the voters won’t forget this and clean house.  Meantime, can the people of Keene do anything to keep this issue alive?  My understanding is the issue is no longer valid until it can be re-issued in 2015.  Please correct me if I am wrong.

Keene City Councilor Proposes Returning BEARCAT!



Terry Clark, the Keene city councilor who was the initial lone dissenter against the BEARCAT back in 2011 when it was originally proposed, has filed a proposal with the council to return the BEARCAT (see page 13)!

To The Honorable Mayor Kendall Lane and Council ,
Considering the lack of use of and practical need for, as well as the derogatory impact on our fine city’s name, I write to ask that the City of Keene withdraw from the Homeland Security Grant dated January 20, 2011 and return the Specialized Mission CBRNE/WMD Rescue Vehicle, aka BearCat, to the appropriate government agency.
Terry M. Clark
City Councilor – Ward 3

The proposal will be heard for the first time at tomorrow’s full city council meeting (7pm, city hall) where it will be assigned to a committee for a public hearing (likely next week – we’ll let you know).

Terry Clark

Terry Clark

You may recall the international headlines that Keene garnered in 2011-2012 when the council meetings were packed full of people of all political persuasions to oppose the insane militaristic tank, and despite the mass opposition, the council voted for it anyway.

Now, in the aftermath of Ferguson, more of America has been given a taste of the militarized police, and they don’t like it. Kudos to Terry Clark for making a stand – again. Hopefully he won’t have to do it alone this time and other councilors will get a clue and do the right thing and send this metal monstrosity back to the depths whence it came.

“Robin Hood” Arraigned, Faces Three Years in Prison for Recording Police

James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland was in Keene district court today for an arraignment on three class A misdemeanor charges of “Disorderly Conduct”, “Disorderly Conduct”, and “Resisting Arrest”.  The charges stem from a bullshit arrest made at the scene of a suicide in Keene a couple of months ago where James was attempting to record video of the situation.

Here’s video from today’s arraignment.  The trial is set for 12/30 at 10am in Keene district court.

The AKPF #1 So Good, It Had To Be Censored

akpfvan_sfkmountainsaynrand1While an occasional flag is raised by YouTube over content contained in a given episode of AKPF #1, seldom does the generous video server host outright block an episode of the controversial cable access series. In the past, LiveLeak has been utilized to fill the gaps left by YouTube’s restrictive policies. It was not until this week, in a special Labor Day installment, Islemon State, that an episode has had the honor of being banned from both YouTube and the more gratuitous LiveLeak video sharing site. While a more permanent hosting option is being sought, our audience is free to enjoy the blocked episode by downloading the .mp4 file directly from the WeTransfer service:

Fans of the show consuming the content directly from Cheshire TV will have the privilege of seeing the original complete and uncut episode as it was originally intended. Sharing is caring! If you find any issues with the .mp4 format, you can also find an mpeg2 format copy here via WeTransfer for up to two weeks from publication, unless that platform also issues some form of ban.