AKPF #1: Islemon State



akpfvan_sfkmountainsaynrandThis remarkable installment of the AKPF #1 series, Islemon State, offers a creative new way to view rapidly developing modern history as we see the rise of new and old cultural tendencies across the globe. Featuring specially illustrated footage sourced everywhere from the Islamic State held territories to Ferguson, Missouri. Stay tuned for a special closing segment featuring small, fluffy baby bunnies.

Governor Campaign Makes Front Page :: Freeman Rated “A” by NH Firearms Coalition

a-school-letter-grade[1]Thanks to the Keene Sentinel’s Alyssa Dandrea for the front-page, above-the-fold article that featured me and the other candidates for governor in the democrat primary. I’ll include the text below.

Speaking of those primary opponents, Maggie Hassan received a “F” from the NH Firearms Coalition in their candidate assessment. I am honored to receive an “A”. (Clecia Terrio did not reply to the survey.) In the local state rep races, James Cleaveland received an “A” and Conan Salada a “B”.

The primary is on September 9th and you can register and vote the same-day.

Here’s the Sentinel article: (more…)

Black Sheep Rising – Episode 67


Chalking hypocrisy in Keene • Dog vs Wolf: Dogs form strict hierarchies and love to follow orders – Wolves cooperate and love their freedom • Have humans been systematically bred (like dogs) to be slaves? • Remembering Robin Williams • Shaunna, Derrick, and Garret join • Show notes at: BlackSheepRising.org

Keene Ward One Candidate David Crawford Promises to Un-Legislate

David Crawford

David Crawford

In a letter to the editor of the Keene Sentinel, David Crawford, the republican candidate for state representative in Ward One in Keene promises to “un-legislate”, support small businesses, and the little guy.  The primary election is on September 9th, but Crawford is unopposed in the primary.  He will likely go on to the general election and face either democrat James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland or democrat and political newcomer William Pearson.

Here’s David’s letter:

My name is David Crawford; I am a candidate for representative of Keene.

This letter is to ask for your vote in the upcoming election. I have been a Keene resident for 20 years. (more…)

Stefan Molyneux Jumps Shark, Uses State to Silence Critics

Stefan MolyneuxOver the last couple of weeks many in the liberty movement have been discussing the disturbing news about Stefan Molyneux, the popular liberty-oriented internet philosopher.

A few years ago, Molyneux was criticized (in The Guardian and elsewhere) for being a cult leader. Several aspects of Molyneux ring several cult red-flags, like jargon, a charismatic guru, encouraging followers to completely disassociate with family and friends who don’t agree (the jargon for this is “de-fooing”), and also the suppression of dissent within and without the group.

It is the last of those on which I focus here. Recently, Molyneux has admitted to his business manager using Youtube’s copyright claim system to lodge complaints against, and shut down two channels that were critical of Molyneux and his followers. One of them was “TruShibes”. Thankfully, someone had all the videos and have since re-uploaded them to new channel TruMirror. Molyneux has not apologized for his manager’s actions and allegedly excused them by claiming that he was protecting his listeners. The claim is some callers were supposedly being doxed and harassed by one of the offending channels (not TruShibes, another one called FreedomainDamon). Even if that were true, as a talk radio host, it’s not my responsibility to protect my callers. If you become part of my show, you’re becoming a public figure and someone listening to the show might want to know more about you. If that bothers you, don’t call at all, or if you do, be careful about what you reveal.

Former fans of Molyneux have said they’ve been ostracized and banned for dissenting on Molyneux’s forums and former “inner circle” (another cult red-flag) members have spoken out.

Recently, “PaulieDoyle” posted an article to Buzzfeed entitled, “Holy Moly: The Bizarre Online Cult Of Stefan Molyneux”. It was widely shared. Today it mysteriously disappeared from Buzzfeed (and I am reposting it below from its google cache). (more…)

Keene NH’s Bearcat featured in “Pentagon Has ‘Everything Must Go’ Sale”

In the wake of the situation in Ferguson [language warning] and the attention it has drawn to the militarization of police across the county, Reason has put out a parody video regarding the “give-away” of “free” equipment to police departments across the county. In the video, Keene’s bearcat is used an example that no place is too small for militarization of the police, a trait that Ferguson shares with Keene since it also received a bearcat vehicle and is similar in population to Keene, ~21,000 people in Ferguson to Keene’s ~23,000 people.

James “Robin Hood” Cleaveland to Keynote Keenevention 2014

jamescleavelandOn the scale of press coverage for the liberty movement in New Hampshire, “Robin Hooding” is an eleven out of ten.  The ridiculous lawsuits filed in 2013 by the people calling themselves the “city of Keene” exploded into international press coverage, unlike anything we’ve ever seen.

James Cleaveland is Robin Hood of Keene and has done an amazing job with the help of his Merry Men and Women and has rescued thousands of motorists from the King’s tariff!  He handily won 2013’s Keene Activist of the Year by popular vote.  James is a tireless and dedicated activist who puts his money where his mouth is.  I’m excited to announce that he’ll be keynoting Keenevention 2014!

At last year’s Keenevention, James led the Direct Action panel.  You can watch that in full, here.

Don’t miss Keenevention 2014 – tickets are available now for $60 USD or BTC. (more…)