The 2nd Act Begins

The Presidential Primary season has concluded.  This amazing process has yielded the two finest, upstanding citizens this country has to offer.  On one hand we have a old grizzled war veteran who would see us in Iraq for a 100 years if need be.  On the other hand we have a smooth talking inexperienced young man who speaks of change.  One of these two people will go on to be President of the most powerful country in the world.  Given the damage that the current President has done to this Country, it’s guiding law the Constitution and the many dead in the Middle East, what can we expect from either of these men?

Pander-fest 2008!!

SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY and MONDAY, Tuesday, Wednesday, hell every day is made for pandering.  Indeed we are about to see which of these two men can lie his way into the seat of power.  We will hear empty promises, little lies, big lies, hollow rhetoric, references to mythical “divine” beings, bold yet meaningless statements, ambiguous ideas and pandering.  In the end the a winner will be decided either by the “vote” of the addled masses or the supreme court.  Regardless we are screwed.

So I’ve decided to skip the whole election debacle and post a list of things to expect from the next administration, in no particular order:

  • Killing
  • Torture
  • More Taxes
  • Misguided Stimulus Packages
  • Reduction in Liberty
  • Lies
  • An expansion of the bureaucracy
  • Growth of the police state
  • Tyranny
  • And much more!

Regardless of who wins and which “party” is in control our future is already cast.  Will you be partaking in this glorious election?  Will you cast a vote for any of the above?

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