“Justice” Burke Finds Cameras “Disruptive”

After being praised by activists for making some positive choices, “Justice” Edward Burke from the Keene “District Court” appears to have slid back down the path to totalitarianism. In an “ORDER” (.PDF) issued today, Burke claims that video cameras are “disruptive of the proper and orderly administration of justice”. He orders his subordinates to “require pool coverage” and apply the rule to “all court procedures conducted outside the courtroom or court facility”.

He also has rescheduled the “trial” that they are demanding in regards to the Freedom Couch for Friday, Nov. 14th at 1:30p.

My interpretation of their legalese is that there is a chance that activists who show up to the “district court” in Keene with cameras on the 14th stand a possibility of being arrested for simply recording the court security procedure or the clerk’s window.

The pool coverage provision demands that only one recording device be allowed in the court and that all interested media parties must share the one recording. This of course means that whichever organization or individual is chosen to be the one with permission to record will scoop all of the rest of the parties on the report. They will have their news package out the door and to their viewers and listeners while the others are still waiting to receive a copy of the audio or video. Additionally, it means that the recording organization has to spend extra time and effort making their recording available for the others. This work on their part is of course, uncompensated. Finally, it is also a creative restriction on the videographers who are choosing to cover the trial. Each videographer is forced to abide by the creative decisions of the “chosen one”, like it or not.

Whether you consent to the government system or not, this “ORDER” is an outrageous restriction on the individual’s freedom to be the media in a so-called “public trial”. For those of you still in the system I refer you to the New Hampshire Constitution’s article 10 and 1:

nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind.

government of right originates from the people, is founded in consent,

If you agree that this is an instance of arbitrary power and oppression I suggest that you bring your favorite recording device to Keene “district court” on 11/14 and refuse to obey. If they order you to stop recording or order you to do anything, you could tell them you would be willing to fulfill their order, but that would make them liable for a bill of $XXX, payment due in advance. If you’re going to follow their orders, better that they pay you for your assistance. Isn’t that what happens when you place orders with people? Don’t you usually have to pay them to provide the product or service you are ordering?

If you are a market-based activist you already know that these are nothing more than men and women wearing costumes willing to do violence to the people that refuse their “business”. I invite you as well to join in the noncooperation and civil disobedience.

Unless they call it off, let’s pay a visit to the Keene “district court” on November 14th at 1:30 in the afternoon. We will meet in the downstairs lobby at 3 Washington St. at around 1:10p. Bring your cameras and audio recorders, and remember that you are a free, sovereign individual. Do not consent to tyranny. Will they arrest everyone?

Here’s the discussion thread on the Free Keene Forum about this situation.

Thanks to Nick from the Ryder Report and Lyfproductions.com for retrieving the “ORDER” as the “clerk” refused to release details over the phone to the media.

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