NH Activist and Free Keene Supporter Makes National Waves

Today, William Kostric went to Portsmouth, New Hampshire to protest at President Obama’s Town Hall style meeting regarding healthcare. Soon though, he was spotted on private property nearby the meeting with a legally carried handgun. National news began reporting on the “Man with a Gun” near Obama’s appearance.


Within hours, William was given an appearance on MSNBC’s Hardball:

While William is not a Free Keene blogger, he is often spotted at local activism events and Social Sundays meetups

Sentinel Reports on Rude City Councilor Pam Slack

Pamela Russell SlackThanks to Casey Farrar at the Keene Sentinel, liberty activists got coverage in Sunday’s paper. The story features the spokesman for “senator” Jeanne Shaheen running cover for Pamela Russell Slack, who has been touring parts of New Hampshire working for Shaheen’s office. He’s not telling the truth, of course, and we have the video to prove it. Here’s the story, and check the first comment for my rebuttal to his misinformation:

Shaheen meetings targeted
Activists, staffers clash over format

A slew of town-hall style public forums on health care hosted by Democratic legislators across the country this summer have stirred up some heated debate.

Earlier this week, White House officials counseled Democratic senators on how to cope with orchestrated disruptions from opponents confronting them about President Barack Obama’s health reform proposals during the forums.

Recently, activists in the Granite State have used a similar approach at meetings with staff members for Sen. Jeanne Shaheen in communities including Grafton and Keene. (more…)

How Government “Represents” the People

Politicians have been experiencing increasing resistance to out of control government policies. People showing up to express their disapproval are labeled as disruptive protesters harassing constituents. The police in both Grafton and Keene disagree with that viewpoint. What’s behind Keene City Councilor Pamela Slack ‘s refusal to answer questions on the record for the media?

This video sets the scene for the day:

This was my discussion with Pamela Slack who was there to hear concerns on behalf of Jeanne Shaheen:

Listen To Your Heart

I co-host Free Talk Live every Thursday night from 7pm to 10pm, a nationally syndicated talk radio show. Last Thursday, an anarchist called in to talk about how he attended a meeting about a local smoking ban to speak out against it. There was some discussion about whether such an act is part of working within their system and I’m known for not being a big fan of that game, to put it lightly. Mark is equating this act with voting based on the notion that you’re just voting by proxy, i.e. trying to persuade council members to vote a certain way. I’ve given some more thought to this and wanted to expound.

I wouldn’t go in there telling them to vote a certain way. I would simply use the platform of the meeting to talk about why they have no right to control the behavior or property of others. I wouldn’t give any moral support to the idea of the vote. I realize they are going to vote on it, but that’s their game. What it comes down to is I’m not going to go through the motions and essentially act out what is to me a big lie. It’s the same reason I don’t rise for a judge. They are hoping I’ll go through the motions and act publicly in accordance with their lies, reinforcing them, and in complete contradiction to my deeply held beliefs. It’s disgusting and offensive to me. On the other hand, simply taking the opportunity of the meeting and telling them they have no right to control others is as honest as I could be.

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