Multiple First Amendment Blocks at Concord District Court

Today at Concord District Court, I had attempted to audio and video record a hearing at the defendant’s request. I was given last minute notice, and ended up missing the brief hearing by the time I had arrived. When I entered the courthouse, I did not appreciate that security had disarmed me of my harmless accountability mechanism, the camera. They also took my tripod, and would give me back none of my equipment until a judge gave me permission to act as the press.

To protest the violation of my first amendment right, I exercised different first amendment rights outside. Utilizing my speech, I chalked out against the press restrictions practiced by the monopolist court officers. I was almost finished when the head of court security exited the building and asked me to stop chalking and leave. He implied that I was doing something illegal, but never spelled out exactly what. He even identified himself as a police officer. Due to some NH court’s crackdowns on press freedom, in the more restrictive venues it is rare to see a court security officer in action, especially outside of his normal domain inside the building.

‘Epidemic of Police Brutality’ Article Appropriately Timed


An article by Michael E. Ross entitled The Epidemic of Police Brutality published at The Root yesterday. It comes alongside news from Tampa of police misconduct resulting in homicide. On December 23, Reason’s Hit and Run blog published the story of Nick Christie, who was tied to a chair and repeatedly pepper sprayed by Lee County, FL deputies (photo included in link). His death was likely caused by asphyxiation, though there could have been a number of factors at work as Nick Christie had a medical condition. According to a witness, who at the time was a corrections officer, “He had a spit mask on and was naked.” The witness testified that the restrained man had pleaded with officers to remove the spit mask because he could not breathe.

Free Flow of Information Key to Better World

Even the most totalitarian regimes ultimately rest on granted authority. Misdeeds must be hidden or legitimacy erodes. Censorship, propaganda, purposeful omissions and blatant lies fuel the Statist Quo.

Enter the free flow of information.

Case in point, the How to Make a Wicking Bed Garden instructional sheet. Days after being created by @BrknSdwlkFrm (great work!) it was being distributed in NYC and translated into Arabic to be disseminated on the streets of Egypt.


Free Keene TV – Episode 25 – December 26th, 2011

This weeks episode is a special pre-recorded video one:

1. GOP Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney stops in Keene

2. Derrick J Freeman challenges the police for information on his rejected application for a conceal carry permit.

3. The NH Supreme Court Advisory Board hears public testimony on the camera ban in New Hampshire Court Houses.

4. The Chain of Obedience from

5. Forced Taxation is Immoral from