AKPF #1 – Tour Part 2

akpf_tour2AKPF #1 reignites with a new episode following the first installment of content collected from the Police Accountability Tour. Tour Part 2, first airing on December 16, features footage from on the ground in Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana. No parking enforcers appear in this cautionary edition.

1. 00:00 Special message to the viewers of Cheshire TV disclaimer
2. 00:10 Opening imagery, AKPF musical and credits
3. 01:40 Amagi metals
4. 01:43 Pete presents puppycide video with Colonel the dog in Chicago
5. 05:37 Occupy wiretap telephones
6. 06:52 Record everywhere, especially Illinois police
7. 08:23 CPD Striegel opposes recording young hooligan
8. 11:28 Skokie facial fracture video from FreeConcord.org
9. 19:26 Children in Gary, IN speak on neighborhood violence
10. 20:13 Who is addressing Gary’s murder problem
11. 22:40 Interview with a police chief Adam in Gary, Indiana filmed November 10 2013
12. 25:41 Abandoned home trashed and pillaged

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